r/TheHandmaidsTale 4d ago

Project 2025 - our path to Gilead Politics

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Should we be horrified yet??? With the overturning of Chevron???


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u/sarra1833 3d ago

So if a father or mother abuse the kid, the parent who did not do that gets further victimized, as well as the child - by having the child forcibly adopted out to a different family just to prevent "single parent maybe with boy/girlfriend".

Gross gross gross.


u/LegendOfTreen 3d ago edited 3d ago

Thank you! This is the feeling I get.

I personally am not with my kids dad. We are best friends and great coparents. Family dinner and family outings still, holidays together still, we support our kid together at every school event, sports event, concert. I am not dating. He is. But he has been very respectful to his family in his dating practices and has made sure it hasn’t impacted our child.

Is just the fact that we are separated grounds to be considered “neglectful” or “abusive”?

Pretty scary honestly.

ETA: without Chevron, selected officials get to decide the answer to that question. Not experts in family or child psychology or anything like that. Thats where it starts to get super scary, imo