r/TheHandmaidsTale 5d ago

Are they even Christian? Question



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u/TeeVaPool 2d ago

I was raised in an evangelical church and I’m a Christian, I sent my kids to a Christian school from which my son graduated, my daughter went until she was a sophomore. I’m sad to say sending my children to Christian school is now one of my biggest regrets, because all they worried about was politics (Bush years) and anyone who had a different view was ostracized.
Because I worked for a labor union and a democrat my children were mistreated and singled out in front of the class. Although it did teach my children to stand up for themselves, I regret sending them there because they learned nothing about love, forgiveness, and tolerance. It actually turned them against organized religion.

One of their teachers, the pastors wife, told them to not try to help homeless people, because whatever you gave them would be used for alcohol or drugs. She also told them to look at their shoes, if they had a nice pair of shoes on don’t give them any money or help. Of course we would tell them that was wrong.

I’m sad to say I don’t run into many like you anymore. I live in Trump country and that’s all they worry about is getting their fearless leader elected and owning the libs.
They are very mean and self righteous, all while pretending to do the Lord’s work by sending a shoebox once a year to Africa. All they worry about is politics and building their next gymnasium, or going on a mission trip to help people they then turn around and say aren’t good enough to enter our country as refugees.
In the churches now all I see is people hungry for power and forcing people to live as they see fit. I’m sure you are a very nice person and I know there are some who still believe in following Jesus’ teachings, I just don’t see it where I live.


u/Octavia8880 2d ago

Yes l feel what you're saying, l too belonged to a church money hungry, every Sunday there was a prosperity sermon to coax people to give money, l decided l would prefer to buy food for the homeless outside the shops, or give straight to a trusted charity, instead of helping the church leaders get a new car, left that church, sadly many are like this, l too regret taking my son to this church, you are a nice person, cares about her children 😊


u/TeeVaPool 2d ago

That’s what I do as well. I donate to the homeless shelter in a city nearby, hunger pantries and to charities that I feel get the people. I feel bad even saying this because I know you aren’t supposed to boast about giving. I do this and try to be a decent person, but I don’t go to church any longer.


u/Octavia8880 2d ago

Don't feel bad, He knows our heart, we are sharing and as sisters in Christ l believe God is pleased when His children are in conversation about the good things