r/TheHandmaidsTale 5d ago

Gay Men at Jezebels? Question

One thing that I had been thinking about recently. In Season 3 we saw Commander Winslow have a bit of an implied gay side to him, likely he was bisexual. It did get me thinking, instead of just murdering all the gay men, is it possible that some were thrown into Jezebels to satisfy some Commanders' closeted homosexuality or even threesome fantasies?

Could this possibility also extend to other LGBTQ+ groups? I can see trans women working at Jezebels as well to satisfy some Commanders who are into trans women, because I know some men love trans women for some like emasculation kinks and we all know Commanders love their power play.


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u/yeswowmaybe 5d ago

tbh, i think they just straight up killed all of the gay men 😕 out, rumored or otherwise. as for commanders looking for gay experiences, i'm sure they figure out a way to abuse the staff -- bar tenders, delivery dudes, guards, other commanders, etc.


u/princess20202020 5d ago

All of this


u/MA_2_Rob 5d ago

Also, from the military before DADT: commanders don’t want other commanders to see their gay shit- no one is going to take the word of some Econo person over a commander but outside of a threesome or some closeted thing they are basically playing “got ya!” with each other, especially as you get to the top.

Like I’m %1000 percent Winslow was some predator creep who’d get off imposing himself on anyone and then using the encounter as blackmail until he could dispose of the scared until June treated him to a complimentary acupuncture and scalp session at the hotel.