r/TheHandmaidsTale 5d ago

Gay Men at Jezebels? Question

One thing that I had been thinking about recently. In Season 3 we saw Commander Winslow have a bit of an implied gay side to him, likely he was bisexual. It did get me thinking, instead of just murdering all the gay men, is it possible that some were thrown into Jezebels to satisfy some Commanders' closeted homosexuality or even threesome fantasies?

Could this possibility also extend to other LGBTQ+ groups? I can see trans women working at Jezebels as well to satisfy some Commanders who are into trans women, because I know some men love trans women for some like emasculation kinks and we all know Commanders love their power play.


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u/Taiwan_ 5d ago

And in Gilead, on the surface, this is true. But, we all know commanders and how inconsistent they are with their morals. Just like Joe Biden said about Donald Trump having the morals of an alley cat while espousing Christian morals, yeah, kinda like that.


u/princess20202020 5d ago

Yeah but I feel like homosexuality is where they draw the line. You see it today, conservative evangelicals will look the other way with adultery, porn stars, probably even underage girls. But homosexuality and transgender people seem to push their buttons. It’s not a “temptation” like a porn star is to a married man, it’s a perversion, a mental illness to them.


u/CorrosionInk 5d ago

Trans porn is also amongst the most searched terms is several conservative areas, it's just confined to being a fetish (similar to 'incest' porn). So it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume at least some of the Gilead commanders secretly fetish homosexuality/transgender people.

There's probably also a divide between the opportunists that assisted the formation of Gilead and those that grew up in the system, who would be more likely to be true believers. Again mirroring real world events, example being the indoctrination of the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany compared to the opportunistic higher ups like Wernher Von Braun.


u/princess20202020 5d ago

Porn viewing doesn’t correlate with engaging in similar acts. I can understand why people would be curious to watch transgender porn but that doesn’t mean they are attracted to transgender persons. Like you said, it’s similar to incest porn. Many people get off on watching something taboo but it doesn’t mean they actually want to have incest. In addition people watch gay porn who aren’t gay or even closeted.

I do think even in todays progressive (compared to Gilead) society there is a belief by a good chunk of people that homosexuality is a perversion but homosexuals should be tolerated (hate the sin, love the sinner). That latter part goes out the window in Gilead. I agree with other posters that commanders with these desires would be most likely to rape/abuse their male staff or have private encounters. Jezebels would not offer gay experiences and anyone caught in a homosexual encounter would be punished with death. It would be much more severe than being caught with a woman, underage girl, adultery, etc.