r/TheHandmaidsTale 5d ago

Gay Men at Jezebels? Question

One thing that I had been thinking about recently. In Season 3 we saw Commander Winslow have a bit of an implied gay side to him, likely he was bisexual. It did get me thinking, instead of just murdering all the gay men, is it possible that some were thrown into Jezebels to satisfy some Commanders' closeted homosexuality or even threesome fantasies?

Could this possibility also extend to other LGBTQ+ groups? I can see trans women working at Jezebels as well to satisfy some Commanders who are into trans women, because I know some men love trans women for some like emasculation kinks and we all know Commanders love their power play.


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u/OkMathematician3439 5d ago

Just so you know, saying some men are “into trans women” is degrading. Trans women are women, they’re not a fetish. Straight men will find some trans women attractive and some unattractive just like any other group of women.


u/Taiwan_ 5d ago

Agreed, I wasn't meant to be degrading or try to disparage trans women in any way. I am one of those men who find trans women attractive just like any other woman. My girlfriend going on 6 years now is a trans woman. However, some men do treat trans women like a fetish. The primary cohort of these individuals are usually otherwise transphobic men. That is what I mean.


u/OkMathematician3439 5d ago

Yeah, you have a point, I just wanted to explain for people who aren’t educated on the subject that it’s transphobic to fetishize trans women (sorry, I should’ve worded my initial comment better). I’ve also experienced transphobia on the sub before so I’m always cautious when trans people come up in discussions because the responses can be TERFy.


u/Taiwan_ 5d ago

Yeah, I definitely agree with you there.


u/OkMathematician3439 5d ago

Case and point, the fact that I’m getting downvoted for speaking out against the transphobia on the sub.


u/witch51 5d ago

I'm over half Native American and men fetishize us, too. They also fetishize every other flavor of female. It wasn't meant as an insult, I'm sure. Not everything is an insult...sometimes that's just how things are.


u/OkMathematician3439 4d ago

Yeah, and obviously that’s not ok either and is racist. People often don’t recognize the transphobia in fetishizing trans women though. It’s different (and I’m not necessarily saying worse) than fetishizing other women because it’s treating them as a third gender and a sex object at the same time, it’s called trans misogyny.


u/witch51 4d ago

Its just men being pervs. I avoid people like that and don't waste my time with them. I did nothing more for this than simply exist. I didn't pick my tit size or my race or my walk or my speech yet am fetishized for all of them. Meh...it is what it is. That's life and I'm not wasting a lovely weekend railing against what will never change :)


u/OkMathematician3439 4d ago

From this comment, I really don’t think you understand how unsafe trans women feel from men who fetishize them on a daily basis.


u/witch51 4d ago

You're right, I don't because I can't. I feel empathy absolutely. But I can no more understand that than you can understand the repeated abuses over 59 years that have made me so blase about it. Is your worse than mine? Fuck no and I'd die at that hill.


u/OkMathematician3439 4d ago

Please get therapy (and I say that with no condescension but with genuine concern) I specifically recommend EMDR as it helps with trauma. That being said, how dare you say that what you’ve been through is worse than what I’ve gone through. You don’t know what I’ve been through and even if you did, trying to quantify trauma is impossible because it affects everyone differently. I’m genuinely sorry about what you’ve been through but it doesn’t give you the right to be rude to other people.


u/witch51 4d ago

I didn't say it was worse, babes. I said it was different. What I did actually say was that yours wasn't worse than mine. I didn't invalidate your feelings...I simply didn't allow you to invalidate mine. As far as therapy...back atcha. That shits more expensive than I can afford, but, am glad that you can. I'm not rude. I'm just very open and very honest and folks aren't ever sure what to do with that :)


u/OkMathematician3439 4d ago

Where did I try to invalidate yours though?


u/witch51 4d ago

If you can't see it then its not worth my time to try to show you. I am not Captain Teachingmoment. Take this as your internet Reddit win.

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