r/ThatsInsane 5d ago

The skill of this man who cuts Durian at work

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u/Jonpollon18 5d ago

I’ve been led to believe these fruits were much larger


u/robo-dragon 5d ago

You may be thinking of Jackfruit which is similar-looking on the outside (greenish yellow and spiky), but they can be A LOT larger! Some jackfruit can get to be twice this size or more. The fruit is also yellow, but comes in smaller lobes and it smells and tastes incredible!

If you ever had Juicyfruit gum, that’s pretty much what it tastes like. Durian…not so much!


u/Jonpollon18 5d ago

Are they of the same family? Is the taste completely different? Are they similar to soursop?


u/backtolurk 3d ago

Durian, a fruit similar in appearance but from an unrelated tree, also from Southeast Asia



u/Emotional_Arm_8485 5d ago

This guy is Andre the Giants size.


u/riverphoenixdays 4d ago edited 4d ago

These durian were 100% picked early and not even particularly close to being ripe.

Not too sure how young durian tastes, must be much mellower but also less sweet…


u/choco_mallows 5d ago

There are hundreds of varieties of durian. Dozens for marang. And jackfruits. And breadfruits.


u/zombiecatarmy 5d ago

Not all of the varieties are edible also. ☝️