r/ThatsInsane 3d ago

The skill of this man who cuts Durian at work

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u/Icy_Cat4821 3d ago

Aren’t these the fruits that stink to high heavens of combination rotten corpse and shit?


u/Fuegodeth 3d ago

Yes. They are nauseating to be around if you haven't grown up eating them.


u/Icy_Cat4821 2d ago

I’ve only seen it once used in a cooking competition show and when dude cut it open it basically cleared the studio


u/Fuegodeth 2d ago

I was an expat growing up in Indonesia, so they were common there. I even once at some durian flavored icecream once thinking it was vanilla. Got one bite in before it overwhelmed me. I guess in icecream form, it's a little less volatile. Just being on the other side of the street from a durian stand made you go blecchh, and that's while walking along a sidewalk next to a ditch of open sewage, and in proximity to a garbage dump. Jakarta had many sources of potent smells.


u/I_Envy_Sisyphus_ 1d ago

The ice cream is delicious.


u/Irondiy 2d ago

When you say expat you mean immigrant right?


u/Fuegodeth 2d ago

No, I mean expat. Immigrants take the citizenship of the nation they moved to. Expats are there temporarily for work under a work visa.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Fuegodeth 2d ago

It's not immigration if you are only over there for work on a work visa.


u/boythisisreallyhard 2d ago

Hmmm,, I smell a good way to end a relationship!


u/Fuegodeth 2d ago

Probably just easier to put some dead fish in their dashboard AC vent, but if you can find durian, then it would certainly be effective.


u/Stormagedd0nDarkLord 2d ago

Durian tastes heavenly! You heathen neanderthals!

But to each their own. One man's durian is another man's dead fish.


u/Fuegodeth 2d ago edited 2d ago

True, I weirdly enjoy things like sardines, anchovies, sushi/sashimi. and deep fried shrimp heads and tails (I mean the shell... super umami flavor), but certain vegetables or fruits just repulse me, not just durian.

Edit: All my family hates the smell of those. As you say, to each their own.


u/Stormagedd0nDarkLord 2d ago

Strangely enough, i couldn't stand the stuff when i was a kid, but my family loved it (most of them anyway). Came to appreciate it when people around me kept enjoying it. It's the smell you have to get past. Then you can enjoy the sweet, creamy prize at the end of the stinky rainbow.

Yeah, lady's fingers make me gag. And I can't do cilantro/parsley.

If you ever go to Taiwan, I highly recommend attempting the stinky tofu. I couldn't do it.


u/kittenshart85 2d ago

i've only had it dried in bite sized pieces, and went through this homer simpson like loop of "blech... but intriguing!" until i ate half a bag.


u/ShinobiHanzo 2d ago

Yes. The closest food with similar taste I can think of is raspberry vodka custard cream pie.


u/Stormagedd0nDarkLord 2d ago

Dammit. Now I'm hungry.


u/evanmike 3d ago

So glad I read your comments


u/imLemnade 2d ago

It seems this man grew up with a very intimate relationship with durian


u/Fuegodeth 2d ago

Yep, I'm pretty sure he did, and probably worked at one of those stands that I avoided at all costs. I had friends that liked it, but I was like "HOW???" I loved most of the food I ate over there. I just find it hard to believe we differ so much on this one thing, but for me, aroma is such a big component of taste. I have some chronic gastritis, and getting that smell trigger to get me salivating is so important for my digestion. My mouth would be like a desert standing around those fruit... unless I just went ahead and puked... Technically that's moisture.


u/HarrisLam 2d ago

maybe its because of thr fact that you guys didnt grow up around it. Its not that it doesnt smell if yiure a local, but it registers as less of a foul smell growing up if you are used to it, and you might then be less opposed to the idea of trying it.

Growing up my mom absolutely hates it and cannot even go near one. My dad's entire extended family likes it but people dont bring the fruit often to gatherings. I grow up to be one who doesnt oppose eating it. The smell is kinda foul, the taste is more like whatever you like to think of it. Its good (with great smooth texture) if you can acquire the taste eventually. My wifes family LOVES durian and they have it a lot, but by the time I finish my dinner food its usually gone. Ice cream is definitely easier and I eat that pretty often.


u/HarrisLam 2d ago

some people never get used to the smell i guess. Even in Asia not everyone likes them


u/Schatzin 2d ago

Its like how some cheeses smell to high hell to some but to others they cant get enough of them


u/turd_vinegar 3d ago

Not really, it's more like a combination of green onion and gasoline.

They taste delicious. It's like an intoxicating vanilla ice cream and caramelized onion. I prefer them just slightly under ripe.


u/BGritty81 2d ago

Ya you cant take them on buses in Indonesia they have funny little signs of a durian with slash through it.


u/Paratwa 2d ago


I mean the gasoline part I agree with, but I’d say also dead farts. That shit tastes nasty.


u/BullfrogCustard 2d ago

Username checks out ;-)


u/htownlifer 2d ago

I some countries you cannot take them on public transportation


u/Icy_Cat4821 2d ago

That’s probably a good rule lol


u/Nathansp1984 2d ago

Never had durian but I had to make vegan bbq with jackfruit once when I worked f&b. It didn’t turn out good


u/OddlyArtemis 2d ago

Tastes like flan made of vomit


u/Mediocre_Charity3278 3d ago

The knife work is incredible. The smell (from the durian) is terrible.


u/WU-itsForTheChildren 2d ago

He’s the master at cutting farts


u/boostinemMaRe2 3d ago

Typing this with one hand because I lost all the fingers on the other while watching this.


u/Travellinoz 2d ago

It's been 10 years and I still get the pre vomit saliva in my cheeks thinking about it.


u/BGritty81 2d ago

What's the last cut through the part he throws away for?


u/SarpedonWasFramed 2d ago

Maybe to check if there’s not another fruit in there? It’s seems some each pods had a different number of fruits.


u/Whodafakisdat 2d ago

To clean the edge of the knife. Durian meat is mushy.


u/zombiecatarmy 2d ago

This seems like the most plausible answer.


u/birdman619 1d ago

Yup. He found a more efficient way than wiping it on a towel.


u/BGritty81 23h ago

Nice...Another reddit mystery solved


u/Mycomania 2d ago

I was wondering too. Maybe you can fit more in the garbage can if they have more flex.


u/BGritty81 2d ago

Maybe just knocking into the can faster and with some flair.


u/Jonpollon18 3d ago

I’ve been led to believe these fruits were much larger


u/robo-dragon 3d ago

You may be thinking of Jackfruit which is similar-looking on the outside (greenish yellow and spiky), but they can be A LOT larger! Some jackfruit can get to be twice this size or more. The fruit is also yellow, but comes in smaller lobes and it smells and tastes incredible!

If you ever had Juicyfruit gum, that’s pretty much what it tastes like. Durian…not so much!


u/Jonpollon18 2d ago

Are they of the same family? Is the taste completely different? Are they similar to soursop?


u/backtolurk 1d ago

Durian, a fruit similar in appearance but from an unrelated tree, also from Southeast Asia



u/Emotional_Arm_8485 3d ago

This guy is Andre the Giants size.


u/riverphoenixdays 2d ago edited 2d ago

These durian were 100% picked early and not even particularly close to being ripe.

Not too sure how young durian tastes, must be much mellower but also less sweet…


u/choco_mallows 2d ago

There are hundreds of varieties of durian. Dozens for marang. And jackfruits. And breadfruits.


u/zombiecatarmy 2d ago

Not all of the varieties are edible also. ☝️


u/zeff536 3d ago

I only know of this fruit because of legend of Zelda


u/Mass-Chaos 1d ago

I didn't even know it was a real thing until now


u/picowhi 1d ago

It reminds me of pillbug from Emperor's New Groove


u/probablywrongbutmeh 2d ago

I can smell this video


u/cartercharles 2d ago

The nasal strength of him no less


u/KnifeFightAcademy 2d ago

What's the very last cut on each one for? ',:/


u/Whodafakisdat 2d ago

To clean the edge of the knife. Durian meats are soft and kinda sticky/mushy.


u/KnifeFightAcademy 2d ago

Ahh ha! That makes sense thank you ::)


u/2ichie 2d ago

Besides the smell what do these taste similar to?


u/Rydog_78 2d ago

That’s was incredibly satisfying


u/arielgasco 2d ago

99 dexterity build


u/Imperial-Founder 2d ago

Am I a lunatic for liking the smell of these? They have a flowery, if slightly strong, smell to them. Nowhere near the putrid description other people give.


u/VoltoStra 3d ago

How does it taste like? Mango?


u/turd_vinegar 2d ago

Tastes like vanilla ice cream and caramelized onion. Seriously. It's pretty good.

The smell gets a bad rep, but it smells a bit like gasoline and I suspect that's why it's commonly not allowed on public transportation in Asia.


u/AlarmedSnek 2d ago

This is a pretty good description. The flavor is definitely not like anything you can quite put your finger on but vanilla ice cream and caramelized onions is damn close. I’ve never tasted anything like it before. I’d say easily an acquired taste, you have to have it a few times before one, you understand the flavor and two, decide if you like it or not haha. I’ve tried some Vietnamese durian flavored crackers/cookies that are pretty fucking tasty, but that after taste lingers and it’s weird haha.


u/Fluffy_WAR_Bunny 2d ago

The smell gets a bad rep, but it smells a bit like gasoline

Nah. They smell like shit and rotting corpses.


u/Mediocre_Charity3278 3d ago

They taste and have the texture of butter. They smell like poop.


u/strawbericoklat 2d ago

Depends on the variety and the quality. It ranges from eating a raw onion to sweet vanilla cake. Some have bitter aftertaste, some have a funny hint of citrusy. I love durians, but I won't eat more than a bite from the cheap ones.


u/manickitty 2d ago

Tastes like a swamp cadaver, smells like it too


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/njconnect 3d ago

So who eats them and why???


u/ronaranger 2d ago

All I can say is, I was offered some at a dog park. My dog had been snout-to-ass with at least 20 other dogs... he declined, I also abstained.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/I_make_switch_a_roos 2d ago

i do prefer red apples infinitely more


u/blakexton 2d ago

Oddly enough I actually can’t stand the texture of green apples.


u/Wow-can-you_not 2d ago

Despite the smell, it actually doesn't taste terrible. Kind of like funky mango yoghurt. It's definitely an aquired taste and many people don't consider the taste to be worth putting up with the smell (or inflicting it on others). If you really want to know what it kind of tastes like, you can get durian flavored sweets and ice creams from most Asian supermarkets.


u/polo61965 2d ago

Durian cream puff pastries are heavenly


u/Wow-can-you_not 2d ago

No, it doesn't smell like shit. It smells more like week old bin juice. There's a reason we have signs up everywhere saying "NO DURIAN"


u/Whodafakisdat 2d ago

The durian in the video called “Musang King”, one of the highest quality. The taste is super sweet and mushy with small seed. It does stink for someone who’s not native to them.


u/Romanopapa 2d ago

Says someone who has never tasted it.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Romanopapa 2d ago

I would suggest “I think” rather than “I believe” next time.

By the way, the fruit tastes really good once you get past the smell which is kinda hard especially if it’s not native to your country.


u/DanielleSanders20 2d ago

I know these are stinky but do they even taste good??? Is there a comparable fruit?


u/Chingblinger 2d ago

His knifing skills are incredible.


u/Fluffy_WAR_Bunny 2d ago

I once ate a durian cookie. My mouth tasted and smelled like sewage and garbage all day long no matter how many times I brushed or used mouthwash. It was a hellish day and I want to puke just thinking about it.


u/mikulashev 2d ago

This is so much more impressive if you ever tried to cut a durian...


u/BroKen5c 2d ago

This is the fruit that smells like hell, but tastes like heaven. I love durian!


u/Hawkhill_no 2d ago

Land urchin...


u/bmanley620 2d ago

Wow. Fantastic urine


u/Beardeddeadpirate 2d ago

I can smell that through the phone


u/JamesK_1991 2d ago

I think I just watched this for an hour


u/ferrariracer36 2d ago

Question. After removing the fruit why does he make an additional slice across the top before throwing it in the trash can?


u/Wow-can-you_not 2d ago

Hey, that's filmed in the same state I live in

lmao I would not like to be this guy's neighbor


u/Idont_know2022 2d ago

This is the fruit version of sea urchin. It always reminds me of it.


u/R3stl3SSW4rr1or 2d ago

Hmm I don't even have time to cut durian at work


u/Zairy47 2d ago

FYI right now it's Durian Season in SEA...I'm Asian and I had a friend who is Kenyan in College that initially disgusted by the Durian Smell(more like "that's a weird smell" and not "vomit bad smell")...one day, he decided to try one after a year living here...and if you asked him now, I bet Durian is his top 3 favorite fruits...

Just don't eat too much in a day though, bad for cholesterol


u/dvs-0ne 2d ago

Perfectly efficient,no wasted movement


u/Valagoorh 2d ago

What a pathetic life...


u/turgidstir 2d ago

This man must smell HORRIBLE.


u/cuttcutt 2d ago

Durian is the best... on Zelda


u/Hawaii5G 2d ago

Obviously first day on the job


u/MyHangyDownPart 2d ago

I can almost smell the cat urine.


u/ericc191 2d ago

Stay away from my head


u/lucidlife0 1d ago

The asdr


u/zander512 1d ago

I’ve been watching this for 28 minutes. Send help


u/-StepLightly- 1d ago

How did the first person to eat this fruit think it was a good idea to try. Must have been some serious desperation. Seems like a natural instinct would be too avoid something that smelled so bad.


u/reamu67 2d ago

How original. Copy a post, speed it up and repost it. That’s going to make it even better.


u/Patient_Flatworm7821 2d ago

Any Zelda fans in here?


u/Beginning_Document86 2d ago

Durian is basically gelatinous farts.


u/Emotional_Arm_8485 3d ago

The extra taps with the knife. Unneeded. Why risk cutting yourself. Doesn't make sense.


u/not_likely_today 3d ago

repetition and muscle memory with some flair.


u/madderhatter3210 2d ago

He has a cut glove so it doesn’t matter


u/Mycomania 2d ago

I used to use a knife for 8 hours a day working in a kitchen. I did the same thing. It's definitely a muscle memory thing. It helps reset the grip on the knife, and it knocks off extra material.


u/Emotional_Arm_8485 2d ago

Yea, same, worked in kitchens for like 13-14 years in my younger days. A good 4 of those were dedicated solely to prep. Knives in my hand for 8+a day. Worked in a butcher shop, never saw anyone ever do that. That's not proper knife handling skills at all. You bragging that you do this is not impressive nor does it validate your "skills"

I've also had a guy stab his knife into my busbin of salad because he was holding it pointy end out handle at his stomach and checking the sharpness of the blade while he looked behind him talking to someone.

Don't know why people feel they aren't dangerous, just because you use one a lot (I had my own personal set of knives) doesn't mean you're suddenly immune to injury. You probably spin your knife or throw it up in the air in some frenetic display of control. I hope not

Look, it's no different than using an air powered bail gun and removing the safety guard. Sure, it's gonna make things a bit faster, but eventually, you'll pay the price. That's why they are called accidents. But just because they are accidents doesn't mean we can't mitigate the potential for accidents to happen in the first place.

Take it for what it is. Don't misconstrue this as some sort of anger or negative thing. Just be careful.


u/Mycomania 2d ago

I wasn't bragging, just relating. "You probably spin your knife or throw it up in the air in some frenetic display of control. I hope not." I was mostly talking about tapping on the cutting board. Your reply is wild.