r/Spiderman 2d ago

A piece made by Wizard Magazine for the cancelled James Cameron Spiderman film. What do you think he film would be like? Discussion

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u/hunterzolomon1993 2d ago

I love Cameron but the film sounded awful. There was even going to be kinky BDSM type scene where Peter webs MJ up as they have sex and does a weird Spider mating dance or something, yeah i don't want to see that haha. Also Peter sounded like a real dick and MJ didn't seem well writing either.


u/MAB-Webby86 Classic-Spider-Man 2d ago

If that premise would've come out today, people would compare it with the DC Snyder movies


u/godlyreception12 1d ago

yeah seriously it does give me a very man of steel/BVS vibe espeically with some of the dialouge.


u/MAB-Webby86 Classic-Spider-Man 1d ago

Next thing you know, comes a scene where Ben scolds Peter for helping people: "You're not supposed to help others, we are your responsibility, because we give you that power" and then Peter discovers the moment of the burglary but Ben stops him from saving him


u/godlyreception12 1d ago

and then Later Peter kills venom because he had to and then crying about it but gets over it way too quickly.


u/MAB-Webby86 Classic-Spider-Man 1d ago

While smooching with MJ atop a pile of debris and civilian casualties


u/Intelligent_Oil4005 2d ago

And MJ didn't even know it was Peter behind the mask. šŸ’€

It had a good concept with Electro as the main villain and Sandman as his main cronies, but the dialogue felt overly edgy with the constant swearing.


u/Addicted_to_Crying 2d ago

Man, who gave Cameron so much pheromones lmao. Brother was fucking locked on sexual stuff for no reason


u/Haadhai 2d ago

ā€œPeter sounded like a dickā€ Finally they understood the assignment


u/DweebInFlames Spider-Girl 2d ago

Meanwhile this sub jerks off the kinky BDSM sex panel from the 90s every time it gets posted.

I don't think having Peter and MJ fucking would have been what made the movie bad.


u/BoogerSugarSovereign 2d ago

A suggestive panel that ultimately isn't visually lewd is way different than Peter and MJ reenacting the Scary Movie 2 scene where Ana gets stuck to the ceiling


u/Severe_Fuel_753 1d ago

When you remember that Peter and MJ have 15 or 16 years old in the movie this make the movie bad


u/RandoDude124 1d ago

And having the main villain be a hybrid of Wilson Fisk, Donald Trump, and Electro.


u/PinbBuzzbro 2d ago

While Cameron is a great filmmaker, I just donā€™t feel his vision for the character and his world would work. His plot synopsis gives me really heavy man of steel vibes with the tone just being really miserable and nasty most of the time and I especially hate the whole ā€œflash assaults mj and then peter beats him up yet is treated as being in the wrong) element especially. I also feel like the whole ā€œPeter has wet web dreams over mjā€ thing wouldā€™ve been disgusting and not fit the film at all lol. While I do really like what he wouldā€™ve done with electro, sandman just being a mindless goon to him like bane in Batman and Robin was a really lame choice as well, heā€™s an emotional and complex character that really doesnā€™t fit the burly goon trope and Iā€™m glad making him more in depth has kinda become the most common way of writing him even if it isnā€™t always perfect. Glad we got the raimi films instead.Ā 


u/RedLidA 2d ago

Yeah Cameron visioned the whole boy gets superpowers shit as a metaphor for puberty and I think that metaphor/trope is overdone asf when it comes to comic movies lmfao


u/Leaker786 2d ago

To be fair, Avatar was originally envisioned as an R-Rated film so he couldā€™ve easily rewrote Spider-Man for a mainstream audience.


u/callows5120 5h ago edited 4h ago

Seriously I was imagining the most edgiest 90s soundtrack ever when i was reading the script.


u/RedLidA 2d ago

I found the script to be quite terrible, but I must admit that I would be curious enough to watch it if it were released today. The nighttime atmosphere is quite intriguing, and the final battle on the World Trade Centre is really cool to imagine, especially with the twist of Electro almost hitting Spidey but hitting Sandman instead, shattering him into glass. Iirc, that idea was semi recycled into Spider-Man 3ā€™s final battle idk. Also, I believe Nikki Cox would have made a great MJ in the 90s, considering thatā€™s who Cameron apparently wanted for the role. For those who haven't read it, I recommend you do when you get the chance, not necessarily for the story, but for the visuals. It's fantastic to visualise in your head


u/anonymousguy_7 2d ago

The script sounded like a Zack Snyder movie IMO


u/Flimsy-Discount2885 2d ago

The movie would be bad, but Cameron would have somehow developed the Dock Ock arms technology by the end.


u/parabolee 2d ago

Having read the script. Bad. I remember getting this issue of Wizard. The Spider-Man movie was something I had been dreaming about since I was a kid and while I was far from sol on DeCaprio, I wanted this to happen so bad.

When Raimi's version finally did come out, I was so floored by how much it exceeded my expectations. Especially as far as being comic book faithful.


u/AdrianShepard09 2d ago

I wonder if Cameron intentionally wrote an awful script because he didnā€™t want to direct the movie but still wanted to get paid for providing any screenplay.


u/_Levitated_Shield_ 2d ago

I don't know, he was really passionate about the character. He even dropped out entirely of directing an X-Men film to pursuit making a Spider-Man film.


u/CarlitoNSP1 Black Cat 2d ago

I 100% believe James Cameron is a Spider-Man fan, because everything I've heard is so weirdly horny that it has massive super-fan energy to it.


u/Longwinded_Ogre 2d ago

I mean, presumably really contrived to set most of it underwater. James Cameron loves him some underwater.


u/Crafty_Cherry_9920 2d ago

The script is edgy as fuck. It would have been terrible.

Glad we got the much more emotional Raimi's version instead.


u/Leaker786 2d ago

Michael Biehn wouldā€™ve likely been Electro.


u/RedLidA 1d ago

Actually Cameron wanted Lance Henriksen for Electro, Biehn wouldā€™ve been Sandman


u/Deutsch__Dingler 1d ago

We were robbed.


u/Leaker786 1d ago

That was never confirmed, itā€™s all from fan trailers.


u/krispieswik Classic-Spider-Man 2d ago

I think it would have been completely out of touch and panned by audiences and critics alike


u/Lil_ruggie 2d ago

James Cameron is a hack. It would have been bad.


u/Shadowveil666 Superior Spider-Man 2d ago

I guess Titanic but New York City instead?? Why even speculate about this it's not even fun just pointless


u/NIHILsGAMES 2d ago



u/RobertusesReddit 2d ago

Literally Sam Raimi's but a heavy touch of "Oh you're serious?"


u/Old_Snack 2d ago

His tie mirroring the Spider emblem is genius


u/gatsome 2d ago

I had this issue and at the time all I wanted was ANY Spider-man film


u/_Levitated_Shield_ 2d ago

Script sounded very awful.

Only thing worth seeing would be Arnold Schwarzenegger as Sandman. Top-tier casting choice.


u/KickNWing71 2d ago

Niki Cox would have been an awesome MJ look alike


u/maddwaffles Sensational Spider-Man 1d ago

Way too damn long.


u/PengPeng_Tie2335 2d ago

I think Cameron's spider-man, would be amazing.


u/Present-Dog-2641 2d ago

Cameron is good with concepts, not how they are going to presented. Spider-Man is all about the perceptions the characters and the viewers have of the concepts.


u/LalahComplex 2d ago

It would have been incredible and change the course of superhero movies because it would have made more money than imaginable.


u/K3egan Peter B. Parker (ITSV) 2d ago

Pretty alright followed by the greatest superhero sequel of all time. So basically what happened