r/Spiderman 2d ago

Peter deserves to have his perfect life from House of M in an alternate universe like how Ultimate is Comics

I believe it would be an amazing run if he actually had his House Of M life played out in a positive way with Gwen like how Ultimate is giving us his perfect life with Mj. I like the concept of House of M but the randomly timed events within it like Bald Peter or whatnot were just poorly executed.


30 comments sorted by


u/ElZaydo Spider-Man 2099 2d ago

By the looks of it, the others were worse off in House of M or indifferent because they didn't see anything spectacular.

Poor Spidey was the only one who was a million times better off than his actual life. All his failures were wiped out. Uncle Ben was alive. Gwen Stacy was alive. He had the life he dreamed of.


u/Dry-Pizza4133 1d ago

Exactly bro but the guilt comes on him after he realizes that his ideal life was not with his current wife but with the love of his life that died back when he was still in university like that’s so sad for Mj but also the fact that he loses his child Richie who never existed in his own reality so he can’t even mourn him properly


u/Clean_Wrongdoer4222 1d ago

It's also a very subtle way for Marvel to take away from MJ that childhood label of "one true love beyond the stars." They have never wanted to make MJ "one and true"

People, if they pay attention, will see that OMD was just the final step of an editorial plan that was already in the works a few years earlier.

Spiderman Blue(2002-2003)Sin Past(2004)Spiderman:House of M(2005)...CivilWar and BackinBlack were only part of the "plan" in the years prior to OMD.


u/PointPrimary5886 2d ago edited 1d ago

Dr. Strange Right Now: I can not erase the memories you've experienced from when Scarlet Witch altered reality for some reason.

Dr. Strange after Civil War: I am able to wipe the memory of Peter Parker revealing his identity as Spider-Man to the entire world for some reason.

Mephisto: You're welcome.


u/MrFedoraPost 1d ago

The dude could stalemate the damn Infinity Gauntlet, saying that Strange was nerfed is an understatement.


u/FNSpd Spectacular Spider-Man 1d ago

Dr. Strange after Civil War: I am able to wipe the memory of Peter Parker revealing his identity as Spider-Man to the entire world for some reason.

He wasn't doing it alone and he was really hesitant to do it because there was a big risk and because he hasn't done it before (at least from what I remember). There was just no other way for Peter, so he had to try. Situation isn't as bad here


u/The_Dark_Soldier 1d ago

At least Luke had his back


u/woman_noises 2d ago

His life wasn't even that bad at that point. He was still married to mj, he lived in avengers tower with mj and aunt may and all their expenses were taken care of, he was still working as a teacher which was what he wanted to do. Kind of fucked up that he begs to have his memories removed.


u/PCRM 2d ago

Not really.

The memories he wants taken are "the House of M memories". But not because he doesn't want to deal with the memories of a life better than his current one.

He wants those memories gone because now he is hurting due to having essentially erased his son and his whole family. He is grieving for the family he got and lost from "House of M".

Plus, it doesn't help that in the "House of M" world, Peter found out a version of what could've been his life if Gwen and Ben were still around, which fills him with guilt.

  • He would've married Gwen (something he guiltily feared since it could break MJ's heart and confirm her fears).

  • He would've been closer to the jerk he was as a teen, and screw up that marriage with Gwen anyway (by keeping secrets to her and thinking about having an affair with MJ), while hurting those he loves again (the self-sabotage that led to be exposed as a mere mutate).


u/Dry-Pizza4133 2d ago

This has nothing to do with all the random events that took place within House of M but rather has to do with Peter’s guilt of imagining his perfect life with Gwen and not Mj since he is married to her here and one of them even asks him in the panel about Mj to which he replies she doesn’t remember because if she had than she would realize what Peter actually thinks his perfect life is and that is really making him guilty which makes him blow up on Strange to erase his memories and the loss of his son too


u/Clean_Wrongdoer4222 1d ago

Peter in the 70s: I love Gwen, I want to be with her. Someday I will marry her. But Gwen died, I can't be with her, I can't marry her. MJ is there, but it's not what I want.

Peter in the 80s: I love Felicia, I want to be with her. Maybe I'll marry her. But we have problems, it seems I can't be with her. MJ is there, but it's not what I want. I try again with Felicia because it's what I want, but it goes wrong. MJ is there...Come on, I don't want to be alone. I adapt.


u/Cheezy10110 1d ago

I gotta say the way you somehow manage to bring up Felicia in topics that aren’t about her or mentioning her in the slightest is quite impressive tbh.


u/Crossroc3 1d ago

He’s a 38 year old man whose never had a real relationship so he obsesses over a fictional cat burglar


u/Geiseric222 2d ago

Yeah his life was pretty good throughout most of JMSs run.

This would make more sense in the late 90s when his life was pretty much just shit


u/Dry-Pizza4133 2d ago

He wants his memory’s of his life with Gwen removed because he’s married to Mj and when Wanda showed him what he truly wished for it wasn’t a married life with Mj but Gwen rather and the guilt of that plus I’m pretty sure his son Richie dies too in his life with Gwen so he also wants to forget the death of the son he never had in this life.


u/GoodKing0 1d ago

Marvel was really trying to push for this rather than Mayday also being alive in Peter's "dream" reality uh?


u/Goldarmy_prime 1d ago

It wasn't even a new thing, see Earth-X.


u/SecondEntire539 1d ago

I read that issue, and i found very interesting and heartbroken.


u/Dry-Pizza4133 1d ago

Not everything has to be about mayday or Mj


u/GoodKing0 17h ago

Considering how one of the key component of that "dream" universe was "Mary Jane would be in a happy successful career was she not married to Peter" and how this event directly preceded OMD in the midst of an editorial trying their hardest to destroy the marriage I'd argue that either you weren't paying attention back then or you aren't now.


u/Gladiatorr02 1d ago

Wait can't Doc Strange easily wipe out a memory?


u/Dry-Pizza4133 1d ago

Yes of course but it wouldn’t be fun if heroes correctly used their powers in the best times


u/Goldarmy_prime 1d ago

It depends on the crappiness of the writer.


u/Goldarmy_prime 1d ago

"My son is gone, Pietro. I can't even bury him, because he doesn't exist."


u/Dry-Pizza4133 1d ago

That actually broke my heart when I read it


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/Dry-Pizza4133 1d ago

No one means bed of roses when we say perfect bro but perfect in this case just refers to some form of stability in his life which he has in Ultimate with his family life which in turn helps him focus on his Superhero life. 616 has nothing good to him and in fact his loved ones would sell him out for half a bag of chips if it came to it based on how terrible the recent run shows them as. Yea he’s facing a lot of stakes right now with the sinister six forming and whatnot but at least he has his family with him and they help define who Spider man is and what he stands for and that’s what we call perfect, the struggles are there but it’s rewarding because he fights for his family


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/Dry-Pizza4133 1d ago

I just have a habit of calling it perfect because he gets nothing good ever in his runs so even the bare minimum makes it feel perfect 😭


u/the-dandy-man 1d ago

No one else going to ask how Peter goes from normal clothes to Spidey costume the next page? Or did some stuff get skipped in the post?


u/Dry-Pizza4133 1d ago

Probably some tech Tony gave him which lets him swap to his suit in a second


u/TheFantasticXman1 11h ago

Does Peter still remember the House of M timeline now? Since OMD erased his memories of his marriage to MJ.