r/Spiderman 2d ago

Is this comicbook worth buying? Question

The issue is ASM #74 LGY#875

I really want to get this issue but the Marco Checcetto Variant, and wanted to know how the story in it is, and is it worth spending money on


25 comments sorted by


u/Geiseric222 2d ago

This is the very last issue of Nick Spencer’s run so it will probably be pretty confusing


u/DINAMIK15 2d ago

Fair enough


u/DottoreFausto 2d ago

If you really like that cover and want to display it, I say go for it; however, know that the story is the last part of a very convoluted 70+ issue story arc that itself draws from stories from the previous 30 years.

Heck, I felt overwhelmed having read the whole of Spencer's run, going in blind is probably having you wonder if you have forgotten how to read all of a sudden.


u/howard_mandel 2d ago

For the cover alone, yes


u/philipjewell 2d ago

That Checchetto variant is beautiful…


u/DINAMIK15 2d ago

Yeah… he’s my favorite comic book artist


u/Nexuscowboy 2d ago

I wish it was still the wedding dress cover. It annoys me to no end. We were this close to it.


u/NarrativeJoyride 2d ago

If you like the cover? Yes.

If you’re expecting a well-written, thoughtful story? No.


u/DINAMIK15 2d ago

Wait is the story bad or something? I have been hearing mostly great things about Nick Spencer’s run


u/InoueNinja94 2d ago

The problem with Spencer's run is how it's heavily meddled by editorial in order to keep the OMD-BND status quo, which is why this final arc and issue can feel pretty bizarre. They do get rid of Sins Past though, but that's not exactly what the run was aiming to address.


u/Goldarmy_prime 1d ago

Even that was crappy retcon. Remember, a calf cut in half isn't half cute. It is an awful bloody mess.


u/Flerken_Moon 2d ago

It has a very mixed opinion online. Personally, I don’t care for his writing style but I do heavily respect him trying his best to return Spider-Man comics back to a better era.

One thing about reading Nick Spencer’s run though is that, because he’s basically writing ASM to return Spider-Man comics to a status quo he likes better, there’s a lot of references to older 80s-90s Spidey comics. They do explain in story, but for someone not familiar they might go, “Where did this come from? This seems a bit random.”

Also, regardless of how you feel about Nick Spencer’s run, everyone agrees the event that his run ended on, the event that he spent the entire run building up to called Sinister War, absolutely is terrible. I genuinely consider it the most convoluted Spider-Man event of all time- and this one requires even more knowledge of past Spider-Man stuff than previous arcs.

P.S. If you’re curious on why Sinister War is garbage- Nick Spencer originally wanted to use the event to retcon the worst Spider-Man event with the most negative consequences to modern Spider-Man comics, One More Day, and was approved by editorial(confirmed by other writers)- so he spent the entire run building up to it while giving little backstory hints for new readers to understand. However… editorial backed out and refused to let him retcon, but Spencer also refused to back down until the last minute, leading to 80% of the entire event just be Spider-Man punching bad guys and nothing else. And then when he gave up, he decided to use the opportunity to retcon the second worst Spider-Man event, Sins Past. But because 80% of the event was already spent wasted on Spider-Man punching people, and the entire run was explaining and building up to something else, it was a 1 issue exposition dump trying his best to connect the hints to this new retcon but failing terribly, as well as making barely any sense to new readers who did not know about Sins Past previously since it wasn’t foreshadowed or explained at all.


u/DINAMIK15 2d ago

Wow, thanks for sharing that info! I didn’t know that he originally wanted to retcon One More Day, and because of the editorial he retconed Sins Past instead. 👍🏻


u/NarrativeJoyride 2d ago

I think it’s bad. Others may disagree. I consistently disliked his run on the comic, but there seems to be a general consensus that the ending is a convoluted mess full of bizarre retcons and with very little payoff.


u/Shmung_lord 2d ago

Yes, this is the last issue of ASM. Can’t believe they ended the 60+ year run here with nothing after.


u/RaptorJesusF 1d ago

Not unless you are a completionist


u/Philander_Chase Green Goblin 1d ago

Absolutely not. This issue almost made me give up on Spider-Man forever. Not just garbage, this issue is OFFENSIVE. I’d buy a copy just to burn it


u/DINAMIK15 1d ago

What made you think about it that way?


u/Philander_Chase Green Goblin 1d ago

For years the audience was teased Peter having an undoing, or at least a remembrance of OMD. The clues were so clear it could not have been a misdirect. It was changed later to not be this. And instead of Harry, Kindred is now the twins but also an AI but also a demon… yeah that makes total sense. And apparently evil Harry did the whole thing. And now good Harry goes. And Kindred just randomly… evaporates? Idek what happened there. And Peter never proposes to MJ which was also teased to be happening. Basically the story ends with no change to status quo, and makes us all feel like chumps.


u/DINAMIK15 1d ago

You’re right. The editorial is the fandom’s biggest enemy


u/curiousvenombi 1d ago

I like that this rant has substance, but no curse words. Haha! 👍🏽


u/Stock_Reading_8454 2d ago

If Zeb Wells is writing it’s trash.


u/DINAMIK15 2d ago

I think it’s Nick Spencer


u/Retrotaku 2d ago

The end of Nick Spencer's run, bruh put in so much work to fix spiderman and they handed ASM to zebwells.