r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 7d ago

Urinal Code of Ethics Chugging tea

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u/-SandorClegane- 7d ago


Just like when you see a kid at the urinal (with or without his dad/male guardian) and the kid's pants are around his ankles. It's a normal thing that happens in a public restroom. Do not acknowledge it and do not make eye contact with either party.


u/Cazed_Donfused 7d ago

Women have no idea the shit we see and have to deal with in the men’s restroom.


u/Dead_Or_Alive 7d ago

Naaa, I cleaned restrooms as a teenager. Men’s restrooms are tame. Women’s restrooms look like they are used by uncivilized savages who have never been indoors.


u/Bearking422 6d ago

Was a janitor at a local university and the women's room was always worse to clean than the dudes and the fng smell🤢


u/critter68 6d ago

Oh, God. The smell.

Former Walmart porter (janitor+)

You expect it to smell like piss and shit.

What it actually smells like is piss, shit, rotting blood, and unwashed vagina with a vague haze of a hundred different perfumes used in an attempt to cover the other smells.

And it all ends up in this horrid stench that burns your nose and eyes.

I'd rather be pepper sprayed once a week than ever enter a women's public restroom again