r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 7d ago

Urinal Code of Ethics Chugging tea

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u/-SandorClegane- 7d ago


Just like when you see a kid at the urinal (with or without his dad/male guardian) and the kid's pants are around his ankles. It's a normal thing that happens in a public restroom. Do not acknowledge it and do not make eye contact with either party.


u/Cazed_Donfused 7d ago

Women have no idea the shit we see and have to deal with in the men’s restroom.


u/Dead_Or_Alive 7d ago

Naaa, I cleaned restrooms as a teenager. Men’s restrooms are tame. Women’s restrooms look like they are used by uncivilized savages who have never been indoors.


u/Kahlil_Cabron 7d ago

Oh ya if we're talking about which is more disgusting, the women's restroom every time. One of my first jobs was cleaning office buildings at night when I was a teenager, and in the men's room the worst you got was piss on toilet seats and that was about it.

In the women's restroom, not only was there 10x more piss on the toilet seats, there was sometimes shit, there were tampons and pads (used) stuck to the walls of the stalls sometimes, there was diarrhea sprayed all over the back wall behind the toilet sometimes. The toilets would sometimes look like someone purposely fisted it with handfuls of toilet paper (you know how hard it is to clog those industrial toilets?). Tampons clogging up the toilets (why would you flush one???).

A few times I found little messages written in blood. The ground around the toilet was always littered with piss covered toilet paper, or toilet paper with brown stuff on it (50% chance it's old blood, 50% chance it's shit, who knows).

FUCK I hated that job.

But if we're talking about restroom etiquette, the men's room probably seems like a jungle, but it's actually not that gross. I immediately knew the answer to all of the questions in this video because it's just instinct.