r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 5d ago

Urinal Code of Ethics Chugging tea

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u/LustyHasturSejanus 5d ago

Idk I went to a newer stadium that had individual urinals rather than the troughs, and the line was so long. Troughs have a higher throughput than urinals do. After going to that stadium a few times, I found myself missing the trough.


u/monkwren 5d ago

I like 'em at busy dive bars - they just fit the mood, y'know?


u/LustyHasturSejanus 5d ago

Bonus points if there is a garden hose turned to a trickle zip tied to the trough.


u/vorschact 5d ago

I like that. But the ice on the bottom is even more divey in my opinion


u/Vindepomarus 5d ago

A true connoisseur!


u/confusedandworried76 5d ago

Yep, if the bathroom has a lock or urinals the drinks are too expensive and the pours are too weak.


u/Lazy_Experience_8754 4d ago

they should have little windows at each urinal and a fork should slowly come out offering a corn dog or something . Mood complete


u/TheRealJSmith 5d ago

It's because you can double the throughput by creating a second row of infantry behind the front row to shoot through the gaps. Efficient.


u/No-Big4921 5d ago

Tactical pissing.


u/chilseaj88 4d ago

Don’t fire until you see the whites of their ceramic!


u/Tasty-Army200 5d ago

Plus, it's a lot easier to look at all that dick


u/deadbitch69 4d ago

A bar near me has slanted mirrors above their trough urinals



Same - the old Metrodome in Minneapolis had troughs and during Vikings games it's shoulder to shoulder and the guy behind you is just as close, but you got through quick. US Bank has urinals and it's takes way too long to get through, and now I miss the troughs.


u/Cool-Sink8886 5d ago

And some of the new urinals you have to stand do far back and they don’t have dividers.

At the point it’s worse than the trough.


u/Actually_Im_a_Broom 4d ago

When I was a student at Auburn the football stadium had troughs. A little uncomfortable, but there was never a line. About 20 years ago they took the troughs out and put in urinals. Now there is always a line.

I’ll gladly sacrifice a little privacy to avoid a line.