r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 5d ago

Urinal Code of Ethics Chugging tea

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u/TheCabbageGuy82 5d ago

Whenever I see that I ALWAYS use the stalls. Just pretent I need a shit and wait as long as it takes. I peed in one of those troughs before - big mistake. The back wall of it was so close to me that almost all of my pee splashed back at me and painted my newly-washed white shorts a nice shade of lemon. Didnt help that there were three people standing either side of me without any kind of urinal divider. Never again.


u/cominguproses97 5d ago

I was at the bathroom at Wrigley Field and there was a big mass of guys waiting around the troughs and urinals, and then I walked around the corner and there were like 8 empty stalls. Dudes are crazy


u/Lonely_Cost_2574 5d ago

God dude I remember that trough at wrigley from the D&C show I eaten a few of those small pieces of paper and Jesus Christ trying to pee there with like dudes brushing up against you is insane


u/confusedandworried76 5d ago

Well especially when you've got a couple beers in you communal peeing is just the thing to do. Builds comaraderie. You can talk but you can't look.


u/kingkongkeom 5d ago

So you're the guy blocking the cocaine stalls.


u/DancesWithWineGrapes 5d ago

they need to start treating men with some kind of respect when it comes to urinals

put some fucking walls there at least, jfc


u/sportattack 4d ago

In some places in vegas they have little cushions that stop spray back. The dive bars should attach a really long one to the back of the trough.