r/PoliticalHumor 4d ago

Is anyone really going to change their vote because The President had a sore throat and Trump is a fast liar? Not Humor

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u/Cobra_9041 3d ago

Getting 2016 flashbacks of “we got this in the bag” democrats


u/Only-Inspector-3782 3d ago

Right? Around 90% of polls in 16 and 20 underestimated Trump support. They are currently predicting a close race. 

This is how democracy ends - an autocratic narcissist and legions of morons.


u/GallusAA 3d ago

All the polls in 2016 had Hillary and Trump within the margin of error.

The polls weren't wrong. Trump won via about 70k votes split between 3 states. A razors edge.

Which means the polls were extremely accurate. Political commentators on some outlets were just saying dumb shit. Big difference.


u/embiggenedmind 3d ago

Yep. People who say the polls were wrong either think polls are meant to be accurate predictions or they believe Trump’s bs about winning “in a massive landslide.” Like, dude, we see the numbers, there’s so massiveness going on here.

(Unimportant side note: I guess I’ve been exposed to trump’s deranged bullshit for so long it’s seeped into my subconscious because I wrote the phrase “massive landslide” before deciding to go find an article to backup my point, and he did indeed use the exact phrase massive landslide. What a dumbass.)