r/PoliticalHumor 6d ago

Is anyone really going to change their vote because The President had a sore throat and Trump is a fast liar? Not Humor

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u/raika11182 6d ago

If you were a Biden voter before, you're still a Biden voter (including me). If you're a Trump voter before, you're still a Trump voter. But that tiny sliver of persuadable, mostly "non-political" types that only tune in for major events like these after four years saw Biden do a lot worse than a "sore throat". His rally earlier today was fine, but notably - it was MUCH earlier in the day and it was a largely scripted event. But last night? Last night he looked sort of frail, and worse, sort of helpless. And that's not gonna' fly with a LOT of voters who view the Presidency as, first and foremost, the Commander in Chief.


u/whistleridge 6d ago

Alternately: if you were mildly concerned about his age before, you’re 11/10 worried about his age now. FFS, the NYTimes editorial board is calling for him to step aside.

That may not make you vote for Trump but it might make you vote for RFK or stay home. There’s more to getting votes than just not being the other guy, and the question of “who tf is running the country, because it isn’t that guy we saw last night” is a live one right now.


u/Ok_Championship4866 6d ago

nytimes is trash bro, and every vote for RFK is a trump vote thrown away.

and yeah, the cabinet is running the country. at the end of the day, unemployment is low, incumbent will win.


u/whistleridge 6d ago

You may not think much of NYTimes, but it’s the national newspaper of record. That call is going to carry weight, particularly with middle of the road voters.

And while I think RFK is joke…there are lots and lots of people of conscience who look at what happened last night, like neither option, and don’t want to stay home. They’re going to look at him.

The point being: Biden is going to tank in the polls. And it’s not like he was leading before. No amount of brave or dismissive talk on Reddit is going to change that. This was before the debate:


Pretty much every poll returns similar numbers there.

Biden is too fucking old. It’s an issue. A change is needed, because the stakes are too high.


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago

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u/whistleridge 6d ago

Oh sweet child. How I wish you were remotely right.

Watch and learn.


u/urnbabyurn 6d ago

No one who reads the NYT op Ed’s are undecided voters. They are the definition of engaged.


u/whistleridge 6d ago

And if this was limited to regular NYTimes readers or incapable of being shared you might have a point. It isn’t.

You don’t need to read a word of this to know “NYTimes is calling for Biden to step aside”. They may be the first prominent voice, but they won’t be the last. What we saw last night isn’t getting fixed with a few quips and a speech today.