r/PoliticalHumor 4d ago

Is anyone really going to change their vote because The President had a sore throat and Trump is a fast liar? Not Humor

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u/urbanek2525 4d ago

Trump hasn't changed in 4 years..He's still a thief, con-man and liar. He will still take every dime of taxpayer money he can find and stick it in his own pockets, again.

Simply knowing that Biden doesn't do that is all I need to know. He could be rolling around in a wheel chair with another oxygen tank and still be the better man.


u/HeyLookitMe 3d ago

Trump hasn’t changed in 40 years. He’s the same racist slumlord’s son and grandson to a pimp and drug pusher that he has always been. He’s a bad seed from bad stock.


u/BlueKy5 3d ago

He didn’t swing any swing voters to his third world country worldview. When has a candidate even won an election with trashing the country he wishes to lead? That’s insane shite.