r/PoliticalHumor 4d ago

Is anyone really going to change their vote because The President had a sore throat and Trump is a fast liar? Not Humor

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u/raika11182 4d ago

If you were a Biden voter before, you're still a Biden voter (including me). If you're a Trump voter before, you're still a Trump voter. But that tiny sliver of persuadable, mostly "non-political" types that only tune in for major events like these after four years saw Biden do a lot worse than a "sore throat". His rally earlier today was fine, but notably - it was MUCH earlier in the day and it was a largely scripted event. But last night? Last night he looked sort of frail, and worse, sort of helpless. And that's not gonna' fly with a LOT of voters who view the Presidency as, first and foremost, the Commander in Chief.


u/whistleridge 3d ago

Alternately: if you were mildly concerned about his age before, you’re 11/10 worried about his age now. FFS, the NYTimes editorial board is calling for him to step aside.

That may not make you vote for Trump but it might make you vote for RFK or stay home. There’s more to getting votes than just not being the other guy, and the question of “who tf is running the country, because it isn’t that guy we saw last night” is a live one right now.


u/thisonesnottaken 3d ago

The whole “it was just a cold”, “are you seriously concerned about a bit of stuttering” crowd are severely gaslighting how Biden was on Thursday.


u/whistleridge 3d ago

He might indeed have had a cold and a stutter, but a cold and a stutter don’t produce what we saw. That was a man in his 80s, who has rapidly declined from the man in his 70s that we saw in 2020.

They don’t get to tell me I didn’t see what was plainly there. That’s as bad as Republicans telling me Trump was just joking with “grab her by the pussy”. No. We saw him for who he was.


u/forgottenduck 3d ago

He does have a lifelong stutter, but it’s clear that his primary coping mechanism (word switching when stuck) is much harder for him than it used to be.

I watched the whole debate and I still don’t think he’s showing any signs of actually going senile. But it was excruciating listening to him stumble through what he was trying to say and getting completely mixed up.

This “sore throat” shit from OP is completely disingenuous.


u/whistleridge 3d ago

He’s not senile. He’s 82 and in rapidly declining physical and mental health. He’s sharp af for 82. But still 82.

Let the poor man retire. There are far younger and more physically capable options, who are nearly as politically capable as well.


u/RedPepperWhore 3d ago

It's blowing my mind. It's a real issue. When Nixon looked like shit in his debate it cost him the election. The Biden team only agreed to this thing because trump was pulling ahead in swing states and they needed an early win. This was the opposite and a disaster if you don't want trump to win. I feel like all these posts spamming "stick with Biden" are bots from pro trumpers. If Joe is the candidate, that debate may have given trump back the white house.


u/SoochSooch 3d ago

If Joe is the candidate, then they're handing over the white house AND control of both houses. It would be the worst case scenario


u/Rshackleford22 3d ago

So much gaslighting. If it was Trump Dems would be saying republicans are crazy for not replacing him. Yet here we are


u/McKrautwich 3d ago

I can’t believe they’re still making excuses after that performance. Swing voters are now deciding between Trump and Kamala Harris.


u/crawling-alreadygirl 3d ago

It's honestly bizarre. We all saw what we saw, and insisting it wasn't concerning won't help us with persuadable voters


u/YoungBiden100 3d ago

Nah. They know. Instead they just choose to lie


u/IC-4-Lights 3d ago

“it was just a cold”, “are you seriously concerned about a bit of stuttering” crowd

Who is this crowd and where are they?
All I see, everywhere, are people screaming DEFCON 5 and that he needs to drop out. Which is wildly dumb, but makes for exciting headlines. Biden did badly at that debate. But there are exactly zero people that would have better chances, at this point.


u/corps-peau-rate 3d ago

From what i saw, all these comment/post on reddit look astroturf. Like made by the communication team directly from Biden camp lol.

As they spin all the same angle/communication lines.

Pretty easy to spot. In Canada subreddit, it's the conservative that took control of the sub and astroturfed it to the max lol.

But i personally think they did the debate early to test Biden and have time to change if needed. But they won't say it publicly. We will see in the next week.

Trump camps is surely working on insults on all possible replacements lol, but it will be harder for them to react to a new candidate


u/ALoudMouthBaby 3d ago

Im actually willing to accept that an 81 year old man with a cold would look and sound like that. What Im struggling with is why the fuck Biden thought it was a good idea to go out on stage like that when he had to have known it was going to validate pretty much all of the attacks being made against him and seriously damage his campaign. This whole mess opened up a whole slew of questions both about Bidens ability to beat Trump and his ability to govern effectively that arent going to be easily dispelled.


u/Ryno_Redeye 3d ago

THANK YOU! the whole rhetoric the White House has been spewing “he had a slow start but strong finish” & “he told the truth’” is honestly patronizing and insulting. I know what I saw. ETA: life long dem voter here


u/MikeJonesssssss 3d ago

It was terrible. He straight up looked like they dropped him off from a memory care unit at an old person home. Like, who the fuck is in charge of how he looks before he comes on stage, throw some bronzer on the poor guy to give him some color.


u/IC-4-Lights 3d ago

RFK is taking trump votes, if anything. But people staying home is a real problem.


u/whistleridge 3d ago

I don’t disagree on either. I was saying more, a lot of voters don’t like this and don’t want to stay home, but don’t have much in the way of options either.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/whistleridge 3d ago

“He’s not Trump” is good enough to turn out, and to vote against Trump. Trump should be voted against at all costs.

“He’s not Trump” is NOT good enough to just take it for granted that people WILL show up.


u/gtizzz 3d ago

or stay home.

This is honestly what I think that debate will do. There are SO MANY people who aren't as tuned into politics as the people in this thread. Some of them lean blue and some lean red. And a lot of them are seeing clips of Biden from the debate and headlines (rightfully) questioning his ability to be the president. The ones that usually lean blue may just simply stay home because they figure neither candidate is worth the time and effort to vote for.


u/therapist122 3d ago

Most Biden voters are also concerned about trump. I don’t think this overrides that. If anything, people feel a little sorry for Biden. That doesn’t turn off as many people as you’d think. 


u/Ok_Championship4866 3d ago

nytimes is trash bro, and every vote for RFK is a trump vote thrown away.

and yeah, the cabinet is running the country. at the end of the day, unemployment is low, incumbent will win.


u/whistleridge 3d ago

You may not think much of NYTimes, but it’s the national newspaper of record. That call is going to carry weight, particularly with middle of the road voters.

And while I think RFK is joke…there are lots and lots of people of conscience who look at what happened last night, like neither option, and don’t want to stay home. They’re going to look at him.

The point being: Biden is going to tank in the polls. And it’s not like he was leading before. No amount of brave or dismissive talk on Reddit is going to change that. This was before the debate:


Pretty much every poll returns similar numbers there.

Biden is too fucking old. It’s an issue. A change is needed, because the stakes are too high.


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago

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u/whistleridge 3d ago

Oh sweet child. How I wish you were remotely right.

Watch and learn.


u/urnbabyurn 3d ago

No one who reads the NYT op Ed’s are undecided voters. They are the definition of engaged.


u/whistleridge 3d ago

And if this was limited to regular NYTimes readers or incapable of being shared you might have a point. It isn’t.

You don’t need to read a word of this to know “NYTimes is calling for Biden to step aside”. They may be the first prominent voice, but they won’t be the last. What we saw last night isn’t getting fixed with a few quips and a speech today.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/whistleridge 3d ago

You are confusing he can still win with his winning is good for the country.

I agree he can still win. I think you underestimate the impact of how old he is on people, but he can definitely still win.

But this is the youngest and healthiest he will ever be. It’s not like he’s going to be better. He’s 82. Even if he wins, his health will be an enormous risk. Other countries watch the debates too, and if you think Russia, China, NK, etc weren’t thrilled at what they saw you’re dreaming.


u/Grogosh 3d ago

I bet they got someone to slip Biden a mickey before the debate. Why would trump yell and scream about drug testing before the debate?


u/whistleridge 3d ago


  1. He’s lost every debate he’s ever been in before this one

  2. He’s a bad loser who always starts making excuses well in advance when he expects to lose

  3. He’s a coward


u/like_a_wet_dog 3d ago

It was literal sun-downing for Biden while Trump and his doctors worked on the perfect cocktail, his Dr. confesses, err, accuses Biden's team of doing that in interviews last week.

Biden's team didn't drug him and it showed. It fucking burns that the critics were vindicated and the DNC, including his wife, were made fools of. It was watching the worst nightmare play out.

All the low-info-voters won't come out to vote for a Democratic Congress. Everyone will be shocked Trump wins without having to cheat with his party in Battleground States.

Trump and Republicans are going to cheat, 2020 was all the practice cases. If the SC rules that Trump wins, the military has to follow it. Holy shit, people. Russia and China are dying inside, laughing at how they've fooled us into attacking ourselves.

The only hope was a national awakening to how bad Trump is, and we didn't do that. Any riots over technicalities will be put down and people will "just want to go to work!", never looking into the cause. The only riots given historical respect will be if the international/neutral press proves Republicans stole it by dumping votes or some other dramatic action...6 months into Trumps term.

We got punked and Trump is still everything he promised his followers.

There is no "Cult of Biden" citizens won't riot over him stepping down like they would if Republicans ditched Trump.


u/Ok_Championship4866 3d ago

Biden's team didn't drug him and it showed. It fucking burns that the critics were vindicated

Actually, the critics were all saying he was going to be amped up on stimulants. They're all proven to have no idea what they're talking about.


u/like_a_wet_dog 3d ago

That is fair, lol. They are a stopped clock and everyone ignores the other 59 mins they are wrong.


u/Mean-Coffee-433 3d ago

So many people aren’t getting that there are tons of republicans that hate Trump and could have been dissuaded from voting for him with a strong enough Democratic choice.


u/rococo78 3d ago

This is the only point that matters.


u/ALoudMouthBaby 3d ago

But that tiny sliver of persuadable, mostly "non-political" types that only tune in for major events like these after four years saw Biden do a lot worse than a "sore throat"

Its probably worth noting that trying to downplay it as merely a "sore throat" is dishonest as hell and exactly the type of thing Trump and his supporters would do too.


u/motormouth08 3d ago

I don't dispute this. But from what I have read, that small sliver of undecided voters actually listened to what was said, and they recognized that Trump was lying through his teeth. Many more of them than I ever would have expected are saying they're supporting Biden. There is still a long way to go, but I feel much better than I did 24 hours ago.


u/BetterSelection7708 3d ago

But from what I have read, that small sliver of undecided voters actually listened to what was said

Where did you read that? If they are rational and pay attention to details, then they wouldn't be undecided. In 2016 maybe, but not in 2024.

If nothing changes, then it'll be 2016 again.


u/TedStryker118 3d ago

2016 happened because Democrats hadn’t had a shocking loss in decades and they had become complacent and lazy, from the leadership to the media. Now in 2024, 2016 and everything since then is still fresh in the minds of all involved. They are well aware of the polls and are treating this whole election like a 4 alarm fire. In that way, Biden is at a greater advantage than Hillary was.


u/BetterSelection7708 3d ago

everything since then is still fresh in the minds of all involved.

I certainly hope so. But at this point, it seems that's not the case. Thanks to modern information technology, we refresh our list of "breaking news" every few days. Something happened 4 years ago? Sure we remember, but it's definitely not fresh.


u/GallusAA 3d ago

I saw some undecided focus groups that actually echoed what the guy just said here. The common complaint was "Trump never answered the question or stated any real policy ideas, but Biden did."

One focus group or undecided Latino voters after watching the debate all said they were now going to vote for Biden.

The Democrats and Biden's saving grace is that the GOP and Trump don't have any ideas for how to improve the country and the 2 or 3 hobby horses they do have are abhorrent to most voters (tax cuts for corporations, Banning abortion, Banning gay marriage), all of which is absolutely caustic to moderate/ independent voters.


u/BetterSelection7708 3d ago

the GOP and Trump don't have any ideas for how to improve the country

We became aware of that since Jan 2017. Trump also almost won in 2020 and looks like has a very strong change this year.

You give the average voter too much credit. They can't comprehend political/economical policies. They don't have any sense of delayed gratification. They are easily swayed by the media. All they really care about is "feel" after hearing words.


u/GallusAA 3d ago

In some cases yes. But that is also working in Biden's advantage. Incumbent has a big advantage and Biden is the Incumbent this time. It's weird that Voters vote like that but it's an actual phenomenon.

Bottom line is Biden has Incumbent advantage, has more popular policy ideas and Trump is already a convicted felon, a convicted sexual assaulter and has court cases coming up for election interference.

Voters are dumb but overall aren't THAT dumb.


u/CMHenny 3d ago

538/ Ipsos poll

and the Ipsos analysis

Looks like Trump barely made any headway with undecided voters. While Biden did lose about 1.5% of those polled, most of those left him for RFK junior.

Now I'm still firmly in the camp of get Biden out of the race but it's interesting to see just how disliked Trump is to swing voters that even after last night he's made next to no inroads with them.


u/Beginning_Tomorrow60 3d ago

If you’re referring to the Newsweek article, then that is not a solid source at all.


u/Mean-Coffee-433 3d ago

The one report of this was with immigrants who read the subtitles only. It’s the same as reading the transcript, Biden looks good on the transcript. But, not many just read subtitles and the article that reported this was so dishonest for not pointing out the discrepancy


u/Pickle-Rick-C-137 3d ago

Trump is a convicted felon and rapist. He brags about squashing Roe v Wade. Sane women do not like that and will vote against him. He perpetrated January 6th. He lied all debate night. People are going to vote him out. Normal sane people are fucking sick of him. That is a lot of people.


u/Chumbolex 3d ago

Have you met people?


u/crawling-alreadygirl 3d ago

Normal sane people make up a disturbingly low percentage of the electorate


u/Pickle-Rick-C-137 3d ago

Well, normal sane people outvoted the insurrectionist with the popular vote twice.


u/crawling-alreadygirl 3d ago

And it only overcame the Electoral College once


u/Pickle-Rick-C-137 3d ago

Yes, and it will overcome it again since we have all heard his lies upon lies and January 6th and he now is a convicted felon.


u/crawling-alreadygirl 3d ago

Those are good reasons, but, unfortunately, not everyone is convinced


u/therapist122 3d ago

Well look at the two most likely groups to grab a net win for Biden (or any group of people): the least enthusiastic Trump supporter, and the most enthusiastic non-voter who would vote for Biden.

Of those two groups, I don’t think he actually hurt himself here. An unenthusiastic trump voter is someone who will vote trump but perhaps doesn’t like him, however they probably think democrats are a bigger problem and this can stomach trump. Those people may see this and think Biden is old and not a threat. If anything, that provides a rationale to stay home. Conservatives tend to operate on fear, anger, and hatred. How can one feel those things about this version of Biden? If anything he reminds them of their grandpa. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s white. That’s not a threat, that’s just an old guy trying his best.

The most enthusiastic non voter who would vote for Biden may see Biden as an underdog now. He’s trying his best to stop trump, who came across as a bully. If there’s anything true about Americans, they love an underdog.

As for me, someone who reads about politics everyday, I’m simply more concerned and am willing to do a bit more to help, either via donations or other forms of volunteering. 

This could all be cope on my part but I don’t wonder if this didn’t actually have a silver lining. It’s a lot less dire than I initially thought at least. I think there’s a path to capitalize on this. Admitting that he’s old is a good move from Biden in my opinion. Makes him human and cuts through a lot of the emotional political bullshit. If this can be an election on the issues, Biden will win


u/usblues007 3d ago

But the irony of Trump being the Commander in Chief with his 5 deferments and calling dead soldiers suckers and losers. After the scene at Lafayette Square where he held a Bible upside down and J6, top military brass has no respect for him.


u/Mrhorrendous 3d ago

This will also turn people who just barely would have voted for Biden into non-voters. Usually campaigns try to build enthusiasm behind their candidate, but pretty much the only message the Biden camp gave last night was "I'm not trump", which barely got him in the white house last time, along with other messaging around Covid, abortion, and the scandals, none of which Biden effectively communicated last night.


u/EvrythingMustBeClean 3d ago

Don't get yourself down my brother/sister. The debate you saw was just a deep fake.
In the real unedited debate, Trump showed up dressed as a grand wizard and stared shouting in garbled phyrexian. While Biden just sat there in his antique vehicle, 7 bald eagles perched upon his massively broad shoulders, rapping the declaration of independence from memory. I couldn't believe he brought out Shania Twain as a feature.

Don't trust what you've seen online. I was there in person.


u/Old-Performance6611 3d ago

Yeah, the only people who would rethink their vote after the debate are the morons who didn’t actually listen to what was said, just how it was said. Trump sounded stronger, louder, more coherent…until you start listening to the actual words. And it’s the opposite with Joe, he sounded bad but was saying great things the whole time. 


u/will-read 3d ago

“Undecided” voters who are still up for grabs is such a small sliver of the electorate as to be meaningless. It’s intensity that will win this election. Either it’s imperative that my guy gets elected or the other guy doesn’t. As woody Allen told us “90% of life is just showing up”.


u/Rshackleford22 3d ago

I’m just not gonna vote for either one. I’ll write in someone or leave it blank. If we elect Trump or Biden we deserve collapse.


u/boredtxan 3d ago

I hope those people also saw how lame Trump is and just decided to sit this one out. if they haven't made the effort to keep up with things this far I hope they don't vote. it's time to be honest that some Americans aren't being responsible with their rights.


u/hilomania 3d ago

I used to think (especially after the state of the union speech) that Biden was in the class of my father before he got ill or my current father in law who is 84. Those are very "with it" old fuckers who will give some young whipper snapper a stern talking down to.

What I got was a very feeble old man who got his values right against a liar, but that liar has been lying his whole life and people expect it from him. As a staunch anti Trumper I would still vote against that guy, but I absolutely don't see people that aren't super anti Trump like me following that vote.