r/PetiteFitness Jan 12 '24

5’0 Before and After 5'0 128 lbs > 119 lbs 2 month progress

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I'm happy with where my body is currently at but my face fat won't budge lol. Started at 27-28% BF now down to 24-25%! Goal is to get down to 22% BF by March then maintain throughout the summer. My measurements are probably inaccurate because I use a scale at home lol. Currently eating 1600 cals, lifting 3-4x a week and getting 7k steps minimum daily. Lowering my cals to 1500 as soon as I plateau!

r/PetiteFitness Apr 06 '24

5’0 Before and After One year progress 🥳

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This is my first post ever! (pls ignore my messy background) I’m super excited about the progress I’ve made but don’t feel comfortable posting it on any of my personal socials, so I decided to post here to show even as a shorty we can do it! 😊

for reference I’m 5’0, my before photo is around 148ish lbs, after is 104.5 lbs

r/PetiteFitness May 12 '24

5’0 Before and After From skinny fat with flabby tummy to tighter tummy.

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I have been trying to bulk for a year and this month is my cutting phase. I have been maintaining for 3 months. Dang it’s hard to cut because i feel sleepy and tired during cutting and weight training at the same time. Is it normal because this is my first time to do cutting. How can i get more energy? Sometimes i feel sore longer due to not eating enough calories and i am not able to sleep faster.

Do you think it’s better to still bulk? I am not sure. I understand that some people said continue bulking is better for me however i need to address muscle imbalances at some weeks because of my scoliosis. So I can’t always play heavy. Weight training is a challenge now at this time during cutting.

r/PetiteFitness May 08 '24

5’0 Before and After Can’t believe I met my goal!


Now I just have to avoid gaining it all back… 🥴

r/PetiteFitness May 16 '24

5’0 Before and After New to the group!! 5’0 before and after


Hi everyone!!! I love that I found a group specifically for petite gym girlys!!!
My names Yasmin I’m 25 and I’m 5’0. I currently weigh at 120. Here are a a few before and after photos if anyone has a similar body type!! My starting weight was 165. I am currently focusing on building more muscle and been getting more into cardio lately !:)

Ladies what are your favorite clothing brands?! I love loose baggy sweatpants, sweaters but love a good fitted small t shirt or shorts days!

r/PetiteFitness Mar 24 '24

5’0 Before and After not at my goal weight yet but I’m at my “I feel great” weight


went from 181 to 138.

turned into a cardio bunny and strength train upper body 2-3 times a week. thinking of adding Pilates and cycling!

r/PetiteFitness Apr 20 '24

5’0 Before and After 8 years of progress: from binging and depression to feeling confident in my own skin (5ft F)

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I came across a photo (left) from me in 2016 when I was binging everyday and severely unhappy in life. It’s been a rocky journey and my body has been all shapes and sizes but I’m proud of how far I’ve come and of my inner transformation too 🫶

r/PetiteFitness Apr 28 '24

5’0 Before and After Progress (weight loss)

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Hey! I did try posting this once yesterday then got nervous and deleted, but decided I'm really going to post it. So if you're seeing this twice, that's why.

First pic is from Oct 2022 at 200lbs (90.9 kg), second is from Apr 27, 2024 at 122.8lbs (55.8 kg). I'd put on a bit more weight since October before deciding I'd commit to losing weight in December of that year.

I've counted calories daily and eat high protein, low carb (mainly because of PCOS). I don't really exercise due to physical limitations I'm still trying to overcome. I also have hypothyroidism, so it's been tough, but I'm happy with how far I've come!

r/PetiteFitness Apr 07 '24

5’0 Before and After Short torso girlies, where are you?!


I’d love to see 5 ft tall, short torso girlies who are achieving their goals! Obviously, we all carry weight differently but I’ve noticed that I carry a lot of weight on my midsection but I’d love to see some motivation if you are around 5ft qnd have a short torso and are achieving your goals and what those look like!

r/PetiteFitness 14d ago

5’0 Before and After 25F 5"0 started at 118lbs and now at 89lbs. 6 months in and now I'm working on my glutes and calves. Any suggestions would be great for at home work outs.


r/PetiteFitness 19d ago

5’0 Before and After 5’0 121->110.2


obviously every body is different, but my 20 pound weight gain was at least partially contributed by my iud - i’ve lost 11 pounds since mid january doing nothing different besides switching back to yaz.

feeling much more like myself now

r/PetiteFitness Sep 27 '23

5’0 Before and After Months of Work with No Visible Results. Idk what to do.


Long time follower but first time posting, to put it short I’m beyond frustrated.

I’m 5’0 tall, 28 years old, and despite my best efforts I haven’t made any/much progress. I wanted to focus on getting a body I’m proud of in 2023, I really thought this time was different. For the majority of the year, especially the last 6 months, I’ve been counting calories, working out 3-4 times a week, and just generally prioritizing health. With months of work and mental change I’ve only dropped about 5-7 lbs with my original goal to be down ~50 lbs by Halloween. While I’ve definitely gotten stronger then I was at the beginning of the year I truly don’t know what to do anymore. It feels like i’ve spent the last 6-9 months running in place.

r/PetiteFitness 1d ago

5’0 Before and After Beating Skinny Fat - 5’0 from 49kg to 45kg


1st three photos were taken 1.5yrs ago during my first 2 months of going to the gym.

I wasn't really overweight back then but I wasn't lean either. When I started lifting weights, I was so afraid to go heavy because of the notion that I may grow bulky. But I was so wrong. Didnt see that much progress during my first year at the gym because I went at max 2x/week and went for really light weights + cardio.

Only saw real progress in the last 3 months when I started to go heavier and really tried to stick to a program. I don't do heavy cardio but I try to reach 10k steps a day with my walking pad.

Weight loss wasn't that big but I can really see a big process with my body composition do so for short gurlies out there trying to beat skinny fat, strength training is a must! Of crz eating healthy is still very important but I don't really restrict myself that much.

My calorie intake is at maintenance (1.4k - 1.6k) plus I tend to treat myself a little during weekends but the extra muscle has definitely helped in improving my metabolism 🥹💪

r/PetiteFitness May 11 '24

5’0 Before and After Progress


To be honest i did go from 18 to 22 so I’m sure that aging was part of it but i am also in the gym 6 days a week and i am absolutely killing it in the protein department so I’ll take what i can get lol. I’m 5’0 btw not sure how much i weigh

r/PetiteFitness Mar 12 '24

5’0 Before and After One month progress despite being at a weight plateau the past few months. Do we see a difference?


Any advice on how to get the bloating in my stomach to go down? Its one of my biggest insecurities

r/PetiteFitness May 29 '24

5’0 Before and After Starting to feel okay again💪🏼! 5’0 130


I’ve taken my body on quite a journey these past few years😅 went down to 90 lbs a few years ago from a horrible relationship with food (second picture), up to 145 (left&third picture), and now I’m at 130 (right& fourth/fifth picture)

r/PetiteFitness May 26 '24

5’0 Before and After Glute Gains, Feb 2023 - May 2024

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Just completed Week 8 of Caroline Girvan's Epic Endgame program! This time I've been more diligent with my protein intake. Reading Roar by Dr Stacy Sims was eye opening to say the least. I'd like to think I've managed to add a bit more inches to the 🍑 since my last progress post . I've just started to add Sprint intervals to my training too. Overall, I feel so strong and speedy!!

r/PetiteFitness Apr 21 '24

5’0 Before and After Nov '22 167lbs - Apr '24 125lbs

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Still in my weight loss journey to get to my gw of 115lbs. Have been weight lifting ~3x a week and jump roping for cardio. Lost 20lbs this way but I really only noticed a substantial difference when I started tracking CICO January this year (coupled w my usual workouts)

r/PetiteFitness Mar 27 '24

5’0 Before and After 10 pounds! subtle difference ❤️


142 in the first pic and currently 132 now (: same outfit

r/PetiteFitness 29d ago

5’0 Before and After 240 to 209. 5'.

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Not perfect photos because I have no other pictures from my highest weight.

But these are the exact same shorts. In the first image I wore them because they were small and perfect for pole dancing, now they stay down the whole time I wear them.

r/PetiteFitness Oct 22 '20

5’0 Before and After Lost some insulation and got waisted (29” to 24.5”, 1 year).

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r/PetiteFitness Apr 19 '23

5’0 Before and After Stay consistent! My journey started at 168 and I’ve been holding average 105 now.

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r/PetiteFitness Jun 27 '23

5’0 Before and After What a difference a year can make!

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From 155 to 125 and still not done yet. 5’ tall and had gained 50 lbs during my second pregnancy. It’s been a lot of hard work, but so worth it! I’ve been on maintenance for a break the last month but hopped back into my deficit yesterday.

r/PetiteFitness 11d ago

5’0 Before and After 4 months of progress

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I’ve been a casual runner and peloton member for like 7 years now. During that time my caloric intake was super inconsistent and I didn’t really watch anything. Recently turned 35 and hit 151 on the scale so I decided to start being more consistent in what I was eating, more consistent in cardio and start lifting heavier (I was previously only doing 10 min arms and light weight classes on peloton). I’ve been eating roughly 1400 calories (counted loosely), doing cardio (running or peloton cycle) 3-4 days a week and lifting 2-3 days a week. Walking 8k-10k steps per day. Getting more protein (I strive for 100g per day but don’t always hit that).

SW:151, 30inch waist, 40 inch hips CW: 144, 28.5 inch waist, 39 inch hips. Goal weight: ? Just trying to generally be healthier, stronger, & happier with my body. Only paying attention to numbers now to know that I am making progress even if it doesn’t feel like it.

r/PetiteFitness Oct 06 '22

5’0 Before and After Down about 15 lbs in 2.5 months, feeling proud of my progress before the wedding!
