r/PetiteFitness Apr 19 '23

Stay consistent! My journey started at 168 and I’ve been holding average 105 now. 5’0 Before and After

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38 comments sorted by


u/3rdfoxed Apr 19 '23

This gives me so much hope, thanks for sharing! You look amazing. It’s inspiring to know next pregnancy it’s achievable to “bounce back” quicker. I’m working out now so next pregnancy and birth I can remain strong.


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 19 '23

I worked out during my pregnancies, about 20 min every other day and walked.

Made my deliveries way better as well.


u/mahboob2 Apr 19 '23

AMAZING!!! what workouts did you do?


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 20 '23

I did Moms into fitness (which is corny but worked) and when my belly got too big I did Kristina Scott on YouTube


u/HunnyHunbot Apr 19 '23

How did it affect your deliveries?


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 20 '23

My first child I was in labor forever, I tore horribly and recovery was difficult. 2nd - didn’t work out during pregnancy but walked, quicker labor but tore a little. 3rd and 4th I worked out and walked everyday. Labor was much quicker and delivery was quick and healthy. Recovery was the best with those last 2 by far. After 2 weeks I was ready to roll. It was an amazing difference comparatively.


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 19 '23 edited Apr 20 '23

The before photo was 12 weeks I think after my first baby. But I operated under “eating for two” the entire time and gained an alarming amount of weight.
The second photo is 12 weeks after baby number 4!

Edit to add:

Here’s is my progress: I lost most of my weight within 1 year and refined my physique by the end of year 2 and then maintained.

I started with 20 minutes of exercise 3 days a week. Cut our tomatoes, bread, milk, and chocolate because my weight was causing reflux. After about 6 months I was at 120. I started to add in more quality nutrition. I dropped nearly all my high processed foods. (Fast food, canned pastas like beefaroni, hamburger helper, etc)

I reintroduced milk, and chocolate at the 12 month mark and still kept losing weight. I was working out 20 minutes but walking 2-3x a week. Dropped to 115.

Kept working out 3x and added in a 4th day of targeted training (abs, booty etc) and walked every day possible. I bought a treadmill Weight dropped to 108. Still no processed foods, little to no bread. Got MFP app and tracked what I ate and adjusted my portion sizes. Got a food scale too…. 1/4 c of mixed nuts is a joke :(

I actually continued same as above and dropped to 96 lbs and do not recommend that. I was too thin and looked sick for my height. I added calories and got to 105 and I’m so happy there.

Y’all I never gave up dessert. Ya girl can really Put back some Oreos. I had two Oreos almost everyday. I still do with some milk!


u/ebolalol Apr 20 '23

did you count your calories? curious what your TDEE was!


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 21 '23

I did off and on. It helped me realize portion sizes. Us petite people just are so affected my portion sizes.

I did 1,128 to start and then pluses up to 1,300 on the weekends. Approved by my doc.

I’m not sure on my TDEE because I don’t add workout or walks to my counts (I use the LoseIt app)

For me personally I didn’t find workout out more or less affected my weight loss. It was all portion and food.


u/mahboob2 Apr 20 '23

How long is your typical walk?


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 21 '23

20 minutes to an hour. I usually do a 20 minute walk in the AM hours and again after work to help my stress levels.

Someone’s dive walked in the treadmill for 40 min or more. But I Hooked up my switch light so I’m playing video games the whole time so I don’t noticed it.


u/beddirian Apr 20 '23

Great job mama!


u/AtmosphereTop Apr 20 '23

That's incredible! How did you lose so quickly in only 12 weeks? Any diet or exercise advice in particular? I'm currently trying to lose the last 13 lbs 20 months after baby #2 lol.


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 20 '23

I was losing weight after baby #1… Was down to 140 then had baby #2, kept up ny routine and nutrition, lost more a bunch of weight then got preggo baby #3…already had an established routine and nutrition pattern so I stuck with it.

The biggest weight loss was after baby number two… I was tired of getting heartburn and had so much anxiety. I cut out refined, carbs, tomatoes, milk and chocolate. What a world of difference it made to my body. Then I started working out 20 minutes a day with the hiit.
I kept up with all of that consistently. I had months with no weight loss and then all of a sudden I would drop 5 pounds out of nowhere. I had to do that consistently for about a year. Then it started to come off slowly, but resulted in an overall low weight. I have since incorporated, milk and chocolate back into my diet. I still don’t eat a lot of bread and unfortunately cannot eat tomatoes without getting reflux back.


u/AtmosphereTop Apr 20 '23

Wow!! All that perseverance and hard work paid off! You're a great role model to your 4 kiddos!


u/sighduckz Apr 20 '23

Awesome! How tall are you Op?


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '23

What did you do to reach your goal?


u/Waste_Helicopter_235 Apr 19 '23

What type of workouts do you do? Any tips? You look amazing!!


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 21 '23

Right now I workout 20-30 min Mon/Wed/Fri And walk 20-40 minutes everyday. I track calories at the moment…but take a total break from everything on the weekends.

I have also switched to GrowWithJo workouts on YouTube and I love them for a petite body.


u/Mommywritespoems Apr 19 '23

What does your daily calorie intake look like? I’m terrified of losing milk supply but would like to lose faster than I did after my first pregnancy.


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 20 '23

When I was breastfeeding I tried to keep minimum 1300-1400 calories. Some days I ate more but others I couldn’t. It’s hard to eat much with a baby. I only saw a dip in my supply when I went under 800 calories (I was sick) and mostly when I was dehydrated. Make sure you are drinking tons of water!


u/hottspark Apr 20 '23

How often did you eat below 1200/day?


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 21 '23

Almost never until I got to the 96ob pound mark, then it was 800 calls for about 2-3 months. I did not find it sustainable, because when I went back to eating at a maintenance level, I just put a few pounds right back on


u/hottspark Apr 21 '23

Eek eating 800 cals/day for 2-3 months? Best of luck to you. It seems like an eating disorder to me but I’m not a doctor


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '23

That's the kind of thing that is super inspirational for me well done. I out on a lot of pregnancy weight and I'm about half way through losing it atm


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 19 '23

It’s not easy at first but it does pay off to be consistent


u/Chobani-yo Apr 21 '23

How many years in total did this take?


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 22 '23

The initially weight loss down to my goal weight took 2 years in all. I could have achieved in a year though but I did not make big changes in year 1. I was also new to nutrition and did understand what my goals really were or what I was capable of.


u/abutteredcat Apr 20 '23

Awesome! This gives me the push to keep going. Thanks!


u/harvinder-singh Apr 20 '23

Great progress keep up the good work....


u/FlowerSpells Apr 21 '23

So motivating, thank you for sharing your progress! Do you have any recommendations for one mama to another on some great healthy meals you’ve found that helped you along the way?


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 22 '23

Yes! I eat a Joseph’s (it’s like a pita from Walmart) with turkey and cheese & miracle whip.

I also make turkey and egg burritos (with low carb tortillas) and freeze them. I then microwave them for 2 minutes and I have a quick filling meal ready to go.

I make lunches for 2 days at a time for myself. So much easier with kids.


u/neow_neow Apr 19 '23

Wow, super happy for you! Looking great!


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '23

Woah! Nice work


u/Sweaty_Nectarine1772 Apr 19 '23

What a transformation! Congratulations!


u/anonymousaccount183 Apr 20 '23

How tall are you? 105 seems low


u/intergalaticoatmeal Apr 21 '23

5 feet. 105 is perfect on me :). 109-112 looks good too if I have muscle