r/NorthCarolina 2d ago

Asheville police investigate reported assault where 3 victims report minor injuries


“Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair”

Good work Asheville /s


27 comments sorted by


u/ZealousidealState127 2d ago

Not charged with the assault but rather obstruction which will quickly be dropped.


u/TerrorsOfTheDark 2d ago

This was a known rabble rouser just starting shit as she is prone to do.

Here's the asheville thread on this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/comments/1dt2dej/3_say_they_were_attacked_beaten_at_asheville/


u/Piercinald-Anastasia 2d ago

Yeah it’s a woman that goes around acting like a twat waffle and then calls you antisemitic for calling her a twat waffle. No I didn’t call you a twat waffle because you’re Jewish; I called you a twat waffle because you’re a twat waffle.


u/TheTruth730 2d ago

Is standing up to this other disgusting behavior also considered “rabble rousing?” I’m glad there is someone standing up to this BS.



u/Forward-Morning-1269 2d ago

There are actual anti-Semites and nazis in the area who are scum. As someone in Asheville who wants to see hate eliminated, I have personally spent a lot of my free time going around town finding and removing neo-nazi and anti-Semitic vandalism. There should be no space for that in our community.

Monica, David, Bob, and the rest of the people in their racist, anti-Palestinian group are disingenuous. They have told Jews in my community who have been critical of Israel that they are not real Jews. That is also anti-Semitism. I have seen Bob yell the f-slur at queer people. I saw another person in their crew snatch a sign someone made and rip it up. People do not have a problem with them because they are Jews. They have a problem with them because they have explicitly expressed their support for the apartheid laws of Israel and the genocide of Palestinians and because they pursue antagonizing and inciting behavior against people who disagree with them.


u/TheTruth730 1d ago

Thank you for your work repairing the vandalism and fighting against hate.

Have you ever been to Israel? Because I don’t think you understand what you are saying about apartheid. While there are many things I criticize Israel for, the mind blowing ignorance of what is being said during this conflict is super divisive and a whole heck of a lot of it is rooted in antisemitism.


u/Forward-Morning-1269 1d ago

I did not just begin learning about this conflict in October like many have. I haven't been myself, but over the years I have developed friendships with several people who have lived in Israel or Palestine or are originally from those places.

An older Jewish person in my life who has periodically visited Israel to work with the IDF stopped doing that three or four years ago after witnessing the IDF and settlers engage in abuse of Palestinians that shocked him. He began calling Israel an apartheid state. I have an Israeli acquaintance whose parents have lived there for their entire lives and decided to leave because they were experiencing so much hatred from fellow Israelis for being critical of Israel and standing against the oppression of Palestinians.

Israel is being called in apartheid state because disenfranchisement of Arabs is encoded in their laws and policy. This is not a secret. A book I recommend which covers a lot of policy as well as Israeli military theory (written by an Israeli) is War Against the People by Jeff Halper.

I am well aware of the latent anti-Semitism in our society which certainly does rear its head in moments like this. I think people who are critical of Israel have to watch out for anti-Semitism and remove it. This case is not an example. I can tell you that a lot other people present at the event were Jews. One of the presenters was an Israeli Jew. Furthermore, there are a lot of Jews present in Asheville who are critical of Israel that have faced discrimination as a result. A Jewish friend of mine was kicked out of their synagogue for wearing a keffiyeh. This particular pro-Israel group tries to demonize Jews who disagree with them and deny their Jewishness.

There was a protest in solidarity with Palestine in Asheville a few years ago where a young white man began saying anti-Semitic things. He was promptly kicked out of the protest. Meanwhile, we have a local wingnut Alex Jones type blogger who is promoting this library story because he has an axe to grind against anarchists. This particular person employs a known neo-nazi who was connected to organizing the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally (the one where they were chanting "Jews will not replace us") as an investigative journalist. There is real anti-Semitism that needs to be rooted out of our communities, but this case is not it.


u/TheTruth730 1d ago

So you haven’t been yourself, but you have developed several relationships with Jews or Israelis that happen to share your view on this issue. That’s what we call anecdotal, the vast majority of Israelis as well as Jews around the world would disagree.

I will admit that policies in the West Bank (not Israel itself) when it comes to settlers need to be changed immediately if there is any hope at achieving a lasting peace. There are abuses of Palestinians in the West Bank that ARE disgusting. We should actively discuss and debate Israeli policies toward Arab citizens, Palestinians, and any allegations of discrimination.

But wielding explosive terms like “apartheid” shuts down dialogue. The very real and very legitimate issues above exist, but cheap comparisons to apartheid IN Israel are factually wrong and only antagonize and polarize. Let’s look closer at the alleged apartheid...

-Racial discrimination: There are no laws that discriminate or classify by ethnicity. Arab Israelis have full equal rights under the law -Segregation: There are no laws mandating segregation in public facilities. Arab and Jewish Israelis study, ride buses, receive medical treatment, and more together. Arabs and Jews also live in many mixed cities. -Citizenship: Arab citizens of Israel have full equal citizenship rights. Arab voter turnout in Israel is over 80%. An Arab party was recently part of the governing parliamentary coalition. -Legal System: Arab citizens can vote, hold office, and serve at all levels of government. 17 Arab lawmakers currently serve in the Knesset. An Arab justice even sits on the Supreme Court. -Education System: No legally segregated school systems. Arab Israelis have access to the same public schools and healthcare as Jewish Israelis. Arab and Jewish students attend the same secular and religious public schools. Israel’s top universities have Arab students and faculty. While disparities exist, there are no laws prohibiting Arab Israelis from certain professions. -Freedom of Movement: Arab citizens have freedom of movement and residence. Arabs live in mixed cities and communities throughout Israel. The Israeli government has no “pass laws” restricting Arab Israelis from living in any part of the country. -Marriage Laws: There are no restrictions on interfaith or interethnic marriages in Israel. Marriages performed legally abroad are also recognized. -State Violence: Arab citizens can freely protest policies. No state-sanctioned political violence against dissidents. Arabs participate actively in civil society.

As with any democracy wrestling with ethnic diversity and conflicts (our own country still wrestles with this), social and economic inequalities exist between Jewish and Arab citizens.

For the sake of mutual understanding, let’s shelve the rhetoric and start understanding the nuance.


u/Forward-Morning-1269 1d ago edited 1d ago

My opinion is not simply informed by a few people I have met but by reading academic texts on the history of the conflict and trying to learn as much as I can about it. I just wanted to highlight the personal relationships because you specifically asked if I have visited. Basing your perspective on something being a majority opinion is just as fallacious as basing it on anecdotal evidence.

Despite being subject to Israeli security forces, Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza are not citizens do not have the right to vote in Israeli elections, nor do they have freedom of movement. Israeli settlers inhabiting illegal settlements maintain their citizenship and are protected by the IDF. They have a system of laws designed to maintain a Jewish majority citizenship and maximize Jewish control over land. On top of that, their settlement and security policies are designed to make life more difficult for Palestinian. The fact that they allow some Arab citizens does not change this reality.


u/TheTruth730 1d ago

As someone who has been studying and reading academic texts on the conflict since I was a child, I have found for every academic source such as Halpern’s there is another academic source that dissents. I have also traveled Israel extensively, visited Arab villages, and had conversations with Palestinians over hookah and coffee. I think most who speak on this subject in these forums are no where near as informed.

Where we are differing is that I am speaking of Israel proper where 20% of the population is Arab and enjoy all the full rights and responsibilities as citizens. There is no apartheid as laid out clearly with my points in the previous post. You are referring to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. As you state, these are not Israeli citizens and of course not subject to the rights and protections of the citizens of Israel. It’s silly to assume they would and this is not the same as apartheid so stop conflating the two.

To your point, they are subject to Israeli security forces. If you are as studied as you say then you would know the reasons for this and how the 2nd intifada destroyed the Israeli left, freedom of movement between Israel/West Bank, and led to the situation in the West Bank as it stands today.

I have already acknowledged the abuses and stated the settlements should be stopped immediately. Yet you have not acknowledged any of my points and nor commented on inflammatory rhetoric and how it does zero good. That is not discussing the conflict in good faith and I will not continue to do so if you are unwilling.


u/TheTruth730 2d ago

I can’t determine if she’s a “rabble rouser” from that thread. If by rabble rouser you mean standing up for Jews in America against anarchists (actual rabble rousers who want our country destroyed) then I have to disagree.


u/One_Error_4259 2d ago

Assuming the comment linked below is true, it seems like they're trying to antagonize as well.


Of course, take this with a grain of salt. A random comment on reddit is not a valid source.


u/One_Error_4259 2d ago

Also, I just want to state that the basis of anarchy isn't chaos. It's that the power structure is flat instead of hierarchical like what we have today. Anarchists view this as a way to improve our country, not destroy it. It sounds like a good idea when it gets into the details (rotating councils, votes, etc.), but it really doesn't scale well to a group of people larger than a village.


u/metadatame 2d ago

Practicing all that tolerance. In fairness I assume the Jewish people were not without blame here either.


u/cyberfx1024 2d ago

If you look at the video the only thing that it looks like they did wrong was to livestream the event.


u/metadatame 2d ago

Yup but if you're the crypts and you're in bloods territory, you wouldn't be completely surprised if there was trouble. There is an element of provocation. But you do you.


u/cyberfx1024 2d ago

Very true.... But I wouldn't think that I would have to throw down at a "bookfair" either.


u/metadatame 2d ago

Yup. There is no defense for their actions.


u/TheTruth730 2d ago

That doesn’t make the mob mentality and violence right. Especially against 3 older people just live-streaming an anarchist event so others can see what the organizations beliefs are.


u/TheTruth730 2d ago

The first thing I thought of was Isadore Greenbaum who went to a Bund rally of 20k at Madison Square Garden in the 30s and was beat up and kicked out.


u/TheTruth730 2d ago

Downvotes for this? Some of yall have some serious issues.


u/pogopope82 2d ago

It's not that. It's just your agenda that people don't agree with.


u/TheTruth730 2d ago

Sorry not sorry my “agenda” of pointing out swastikas on business windows with anarchist groups being antisemitic and violent is something people don’t agree with.

It’s a scary time for Jews in America, we understand what we’re seeing and dealing with. All the more reason for people to watch “A Night at the Garden” and draw the parallels for themselves.


u/Nervous_Injury6865 2d ago

Again with the masks! Stop hiding. Be proud of your stance, which I don't agree with by the way. Hiding tells me you're a poser.