r/ModCoord Nov 15 '23

Besides stuff related to the 3rd party apps protests, what other good can we do with moderator coordination?


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u/HangoverTuesday Nov 15 '23

I mean, our sub stayed shut for over a week, but yeah, the whole thing was pretty halfass.


u/azucarleta Nov 15 '23

My sub is still private to this day. I all but quit Reddit completely, even as a user, this summer. When I'm convinced something is the right thing to do, I figure out how to do that something and do 10 other complimentary things -- that's where I was at in July or so. Was thinking I would have to find a new time killer, but I kinda lost my nerve and lost my bother when I saw so few others going to the mattresses like I was trying to. Lot a good my tiny little private sub does, or my boycott of Reddit does, when when everything else is back to normal business.


u/Fredericia Nov 18 '23

Though I don't think it's entirely back to normal. Sure, they have traffic again, but what is that traffic? Real people or bots?

And when advertisers find out their dollars spent aren't bringing in more sales, they'll begin to drop off. And it might take awhile for them to realize it, but they will, though it probably won't be until after the IPO.

Reddit might have been able to kill the protest, but they won't be able to avoid the actual consequences of their actions.

Meanwhile I'm sure they are carefully watching how YouTube's war against ad-blockers is going.


u/azucarleta Nov 18 '23

I can't speak for all of reddit obviously, but the areas I frequent are back to normal. As a user, let's say, I see absolultey no difference in the reddit experience today versus 1 year ago.

Anyway, enshitification is well set in, of course. Reddit is going to deteriorate becuase Reddit has the corporate model well known to partake of enshitification. They don't have the structure of Wikipedia, let's say. So yes, Reddit will deteriorate and eventually die. Did we help wound it? I believe strongly we did not. We farted in a windstorm of enshitification, and so no one smelled our fart in particular, distinct from the shit storm. But I don't have data to prove that belief.


u/Fredericia Nov 19 '23

Did we help wound it? I believe strongly we did not.

The best we could say is that we warned them.