r/Israel 6d ago

Subreddit News we want your photos! (of israel)


hello dear sub! after a lot of discussion amongst the team, we decided to update a few things around here, some of them are behind the scenes stuff BUT one of them is the banner photo for the subreddit. and we want your help! if you think that you have a photo that represents Israel in terms of vibes/culture/views/etc please share BUT before you do here are a few ground rules: the photo MUST be of israel, and if you did not take the photo yourself make sure to credit the original photographer! also importnatly the photo MUST BE WIDE/HORIZONTAL. lastly, you can only send the photos HERE in the comments and we will not look at it if is anywhere else, now do note that there is HEAVY filtering going on here so even if you dont see your comment, we do. make sure to upvote your favorite photo! and shabat shalom

r/Israel 8h ago

Photo/Video 📸 "Palestine was the colonial name for Israel. It is not an Arab name”. Einat Wilf


Brilliantly explained

r/Israel 11h ago

Meme Eat or be eaten

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r/Israel 15h ago

The War - News & Discussion What the north looks like right now.

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r/Israel 14h ago

General News/Politics 88-year-old grandmother of Israeli MK beaten in France, called ‘dirty Jew’


r/Israel 8h ago

Meme This is what antizionists don't understand

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r/Israel 7h ago

Ask The Sub Update: I did go to the nightclub by myself


A few hours ago, I asked if it was okay to go out to a nightclub by myself in Tel Aviv, and I did it!

I had a great experience. Actually, the owner greeted me personally and thanked me for coming, and I met a ton of amazing people

Thanks for encouraging me!

r/Israel 2h ago

Photo/Video 📸 Why is it so hard to just say yes?

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r/Israel 1h ago

Self-Post Since when is it an “attack” to quote the Quran?

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Terrorist sympathizers are out of control.

r/Israel 9h ago

Self-Post SHY’ALLOM!!! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! (A bright message for y’all!)

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(Found this cool design online)

Happy 4th of July to y’all from the states!

Here is a neat little message for y’all from the Texan who come in this subreddit!

Stay strong and stay safe everyone, we are strong and we are all cheering y’all on! You guys are fuckin’ awesome and we will always stand with you!

Soldiers of the IDF, don’t lose your morale, the hostages are counting on you to rescue them! You can do it, you can rescue them, H”sh”m is with y’all, and wants you to rescue them! Remember not to give up hope!

To the people of Israel! Do not give up hope either, we are all counting on you, and we will forever cheer you on! You are the melting pot of the Middle East, the most diverse country in the Middle East where people live in harmony with each other! You stand together, don’t lose hope!



r/Israel 5h ago

The War - News & Discussion Are people trying to deny the holocaust because of the war going on?


I don't really know if this the place to ask 😅, but I've been seeing the same comments of arabs or Muslims trying to justify or straight out deny that it happened.

r/Israel 14h ago

Aliyah I’m a former American progressive and I am starting the Aliyah application process for my family.


Honestly, since Oct. 7 I’ve felt more and more alienated from any part of American society that isn’t Jewish. I lost friends and my entire worldview was turned upside down.

At this point, I don’t feel at home in the US. I can’t even enjoy pop music without finding out later that the artist wants the destruction of the Jewish homeland. I know it’s really insignificant but I absolutely fell in love with Chappell Roan’s new album. It was giving me all the serotonin boost I needed, and then something came across my Reddit feed about her doing the same “genocide and colonizer bs”, and it just hurt. Like I can’t even participate in pop culture. I’ve deleted social media. Members of my congregation have been harassed going to Shul lately and I don’t see it getting any better.

I live and grew up in the South and I always understood the very real threat of antisemitism from white nationalists (there was a HUGE KKK chapter the next county over). And now the left is ready to lynch us for being “white colonizers”. I had friends of over a decade abandon me when it became trendy. And I speak Arabic, I spent time Israel and years trying to understand every angle of the conflict in the hopes that someday there would be peace in Israel and for Jews everywhere.

I realize now the only place we are at home is our homeland. I never thought I’d feel so alienated from the country I love and people who thought were aligned with my morals.

Israeli society just feels like a better fit in every way. I want to feel at home. I want to be with my people. I want my child to grow up not afraid to be proud of her Jewishness, or even G-d forbid ashamed of it, like I once was. Israel is a real democracy and the US is losing any semblance of it.

I know my daughter will grow up with bomb drills, but how is that any different than the constant threat from gun violence at school, Shul, and every other public place?

We are working on saving and getting additional tech certifications to improve our career outlook in Israel. We are also working downsizing our possessions. We probably won’t be able to actually move for a couple of years.

What other advice do you have for a young family planning Aliyah? 💙🇮🇱

r/Israel 14h ago

The War - News & Discussion Netanyahu and Biden speak as Hamas drops upfront end of war demand


r/Israel 19h ago

The War - News & Discussion Hamas faces growing public dissent as Gaza War erodes Support


The BBC has an article from the middle east that shows Gazans anger is towards Hamas, not Israel, for the War. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0vewvp14zdo

r/Israel 3h ago

Ask The Sub An Indian Wanting To Move To Israel


As the title says, I am an Indian (36F). Ever since 7th October, I have this lingering feeling for how Israel was wronged, and is still judged for protecting its borders. I firmly believe that Hamas should be eradicated, no matter the cost.

India has similar issues in Kashmir, but has never been able to reclaim what was rightfully ours. But that's a separate discussion in itself.

Currently, my conundrum is about employment, and building a life for myself in Israel. I am a content marketer, with over a decade of experience in B2B and SaaS companies. And, I would love to work with an Israel-based or Israeli person-owned organization. I can start out with a remote working arrangement, and then gradually move to the country.

But here are my questions -

  1. Does it make sense for a non-Jewish person to move to Israel?
  2. Would there be ample opportunities to work and integrate myself with the language and culture?
  3. I know for a fact that war and unrest affects people negatively. How do you guys live with that? I don't mean to be insensitive, but I am a bit scared of how would it affect me and my family, and how can I justify making my move?
  4. Lastly, I am not sure if I would be allowed to become a citizen in Israel. In case this is allowed, would I have to serve the military? How does the training and serving part go? If not, how can I contribute towards the country and society?

r/Israel 9h ago

General News/Politics Terrorist tells of his time in prison since 7/10

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r/Israel 17h ago

The War - News & Discussion Sam Harris | #373 - Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism


r/Israel 57m ago

General News/Politics 'No Palestinian state west of the Jordan River,' 63 Knesset members say


r/Israel 23h ago

Photo/Video 📸 Denial of the evidence doesn't mean no evidence

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I didn't watch the whole interview (didn't have that much nerve), all I can say is this man is completely out of his head, he has lost all his brain cells, and I can't make sense of what he is saying. Complete denial of truth, no empathy for Israeli victims (if he even thinks of them as victims).

r/Israel 16h ago

Ask The Sub Anyone know what he is singing?

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I also don't understand the joke so if someone could explain it that would be nice

r/Israel 23h ago

Meme Roger's voices

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r/Israel 17m ago

Meme Seriously they never do that lol

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r/Israel 5h ago

General News/Politics What are your thoughts on how Labour’s victory in the UK might impact Israel?


r/Israel 4h ago

General News/Politics Who do we root for in France?


In regards to election

r/Israel 18m ago

General News/Politics Guess that's Israel's support from Britain gone now

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Rishi and the conservative party have generally been very pro israel

r/Israel 2h ago

The War - News & Discussion Is someone enough with pro-Palestine bot spamming all over IG?


There are bunch of pro Penistine bot in instragram that keep annoying people, they are everywhere in ig.

Simply, when they see some things related to Israel/Palestine, they will spam the whole comment section with 'fReE pAlEStInE' and clicking like for others same as their political stance.

No matter what we can do, these clowns still occupy the main voice. Spamming, insulting, hindering they do every bad can be finished.

Therefore, I've written this post for complaining of it. I would like to hear it the situation you've met similar to me.