r/Invincible Séance Mod Apr 09 '21

Invincible [COMIC SPOILER Discussion] - S01E05 - That Actually Hurt COMIC SPOILERS

Episode 5 - That Actually Hurt

Feeling confident in his new abilities, Mark risks a team-up with a local villain to take down a crime lord, while simultaneously juggling school and a new relationship.

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u/Antique_Brilliant Apr 10 '21

Idk if I'm the only one but this show is moving so fast and yet so slow by adding extra scenes which isn't bad just kinda wierd.


u/BoyTitan Apr 10 '21

Why after what happened with the Boys is everyone expecting this to play beat by beat. The boys is a totally different show with different character motivations and certain characters are way more relevant than the comic. Same thing is happening here with Omniman betrayal taking way longer to come up and irrelevant characters becoming relevant. The show will move at a break neck pace with one of the major plot lines it bought up for the season final but it's just going drip each plot line in so it cane have multiple seasons.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '21

Because The Boys was arguably a bad comic (but great TV show) and Invincible is arguably the best comic ever written


u/BoyTitan Apr 11 '21

I see one has a more rabid fandom, one has a fandom that can accept its series flaws the other just wants the comic to be animated with the exact same story.


u/Based_Brethren Apr 11 '21

That's some major hyperbole


u/BoyTitan Apr 11 '21

I got a good laugh out of that reach.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '21

The slow parts seem to be the plotlines dealing with his parents and aaaallll the Amber development. It's been a while since I read the books, but wasn't Amber not even a B tier character? C at best? I know more about her than I do any of the teen team and we're five episodes in ...


u/Antique_Brilliant Apr 10 '21

She Is so much better now compared to the comic which I really like. Know the question is will they break up or will they change that (I doubt) or just make it more impactful


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '21

I highly doubt they would change the final love interest from Eve to Amber. I like how they've been characterizing her, but based off episode 5 it seems to me like their relationship will follow the same structure that it does in the comics.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '21

Too much focus on her. I know more about her than any character in the new guardians. Marc comes off like a wimp cuz the strong girlfriend is upset at him. He is stomping evildoers, yet he cares what she thinks? ... Her arc can't conclude fast enough, in my opinion.


u/OneBigFig Apr 11 '21

That’s kinda the point. Sure he has super human strength and can fly, but in the end he’s still mentally a human. And of course he’s gonna care what she thinks about him.


u/Roy-Southman Comic Fan Apr 10 '21

Amber was pretty important early on, but then she barely gets mentioned, same with Mark's other human friends. I kinda like what they are doing with the story shuffling, is better streamlined for television, and the comic is far from perfect. The creator has improved a lot on the story in the adaptation.