r/Invincible 10d ago

If you could have one other member of the original Guardians survive Omni-Man's attack (not counting the Immortal), who would you pick and why? DISCUSSION

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u/IHoldSteady 10d ago

Ya she didn’t have all his powers, but she is based off him(in my opinion, maybe i’m wrong)


u/ActualSpamBot 10d ago

She's pretty clearly based of Kitty Pryde I'd say. Martian Man is the more obvious Martian Manhunter homage. 


u/IHoldSteady 10d ago

Maybe so, I figured they split him up. Because can’t he phase and is all green too?


u/ActualSpamBot 10d ago

Martian Man got the appearance, back story, flight and shape-shifting powers of M.Manhunter.

GG got the phasing, flight, and the "is also green". She also got the "is the youngest and newest member of the team" and phasing from Kitty. I just feels like GG has less in common with M.Manhunter and more in common with Kitty. 


u/ProfessionalDot621 Aquarus 10d ago

With her powers coming from a green artefact, there’s a bit of green lantern too


u/featurezero 10d ago

Thank you bro I feel like I am taking crazy pills it’s super obvious it’s Green lantern .


u/a_guy_7155 10d ago

Yea but isn't that the only thing in common with him?