r/Invincible 23d ago

My boy deserved better than this COMIC SPOILERS

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u/notheretoargu3 Battle Beast 23d ago

I wonder if they’ll keep it, just give a downer kind of moment. I’ve noticed they like to sprinkle those kinds of moments in before a huge fight or funny moment.


u/oniBRUH Amber Bennett 23d ago

they should keep it in


u/fabulishous 23d ago

Agreed. I'm not a fan of all the requests to change the original story so some fans can feel better about the characters.


u/lurkerfox 23d ago

Eh, my views is that theyve done a lot so far to make Nolan harder to redeem than he was in the comics so the show is gunna have to either work harder for his redemption arc or roll the dice that it doesnt get received well. A small character scene like this that doesnt impact the plot or anything could be a helpful way to to improve Omniman's character of being a good guy again.

That said I absolutely wouldnt mind seeing this scene unchanged, theres plenty of potential opportunities for the show writers to do what they need to do.