r/Invincible 21d ago

My boy deserved better than this COMIC SPOILERS

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125 comments sorted by


u/Thin-Pool-8025 21d ago

Also I really like this panel. It’s simple yet stunning and captures how Art feels in the moment.



u/farva_06 21d ago

That's some Charlie Brown shit right there.


u/annettedillon Allen the Alien 21d ago


u/JussLookin69 20d ago

You're an Old Man now, Charlie Brown.


u/Sarahthelizard Steven Yeun 21d ago

Makes me think of the taylor swift line: “a friend to all is a friend to none.”


u/HandofthePirateKing Omni-Man and Invincible 21d ago

Art is possibly the most pure and innocent character in Invincible.


u/josephkelley7926 19d ago edited 18d ago

Please explain why he is the goat? He seems like a shady ass character to me. Why is he involved in Nolan's marriage in the first place. Seemed like he was trying to get with Debbie and talk shit on Nolan. Again I am a fan, just a noob, please enlighten me because I want to like the character.

Lmao why is everyone down voting an opinion from a noob?


u/Imbadyoureworse 19d ago

Nolan was his best friend(from Arts point of view). I took it as Debbie and mark are the only people that feel as betrayed as Art and art doesn’t seem to have any family/support system so he is clinging to the closest thing to family he has. Could be wrong though


u/josephkelley7926 19d ago

I feel the sadness in that, but I also subscribe to the point that all humans are just pets to him. They would be to me if I was 4k years old. I get that more than people being upset because Nolan "betrayed" anyone. Tbh, the peeps he betrayed were the Viltrumites. Imho (Hot take)


u/Whoop-Sees 13d ago

Yeah but it’s not actually bad to betray a planet of genocidal dictators. It IS bad to mass-murder innocent people for said dictators.


u/josephkelley7926 13d ago edited 13d ago

I don't agree if you look at it from their point. I completely understand I am on the wrong side of this Devil's Advocate, and I AGREE with your statement as a Human. But .......in their mind the Viltrumites bring advanced technology, medicines, better infrastructures, and world safety. Very Genghis Khan. Many Mongolians still see him as a god figure, less every day obviously. Also, remember we are bugs and animals to them. Speaking of that; our world now wipes out insects and other "lesser" creatures without batting an eye. I'm NOT even going to get into the domesticateling intelligent animals for food and consumption. Again Devil's Advocate


u/Odd_Grade_4682 21d ago

At first read I was PETRIFIED that these panels would lead to art commiting suicide or something tragic happening to him to kinda parallel Debbie getting better and forgiving Nolan ,I always thought because of those two being some of the only civilians who knew Nolan’s identity and suffering from the same afflictions alcoholism/depression etc after Chicago, I thought it could’ve shown the other side of the trauma that Nolan caused, but none the less I’m glad they didn’t go that route, Art is the GOAT


u/LazyLich Ursaal Supremacy 21d ago

Ha! I had the same thought!

Just... the vibes the scene gave off, with all that history behind it, I was just like "Oh no... they wouldn't, right?? Oh god they're not killing off Art like this, are they??!"

I think their are a few moments throughout the series where it feels like a certain vibe or action is being telegraphed only for it to amount to nothing.
I'm chalking it up to Kirkman still learning some things, and he'll tweak this in the show, as he's done to other scenes.


u/Odd_Grade_4682 21d ago

Has to be One of my favourite aspects of the show is retroactively changing elements so I would be excited to see what could happen here


u/Papa_Glucose 21d ago


u/JiffNitro61319 Battle Beast 21d ago


u/Pokermans06 21d ago

Why’s there a Jamaican flag?


u/awesomejt8 21d ago

Apparently Jamaicans tend to prefer larger women


u/HiILikePlants 21d ago

And here I thought someone made it because Jamaicans like lion symbolism a lot (big part of rasta symbolism-lion of Judah)


u/obliterator123456 21d ago

why not both


u/Immortan_Bolton 20d ago

I'm Jamaican apparently


u/ShehryarB 20d ago

Because its Ja-makin me horny.


u/Tenno24 War Woman 19d ago

Why are you Jamaican Battle Beast smile like that?


u/Phuddy Invincible 21d ago



u/ThanksContent28 20d ago

That’s not Battle Beast, that Ras Batty Ripper


u/paranoidwarlock 21d ago

I really want them to clarify whether they get thiccer with every iteration.


u/griff1014 21d ago

Ass Bodacious


u/JimmyM104 21d ago

Guys she's built just like my gf I am the luckiest man alive 🙏


u/Inevitable_Top69 21d ago



u/Key_Ad1854 War Woman 21d ago

This is the hero ..


u/FunnyorWeirdorBoth Allen the Alien 19d ago

Built like a brickhouse


u/Thin-Pool-8025 21d ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if they change this in the show and give Artie one last conversation with Nolan.


u/notheretoargu3 Battle Beast 21d ago

I wonder if they’ll keep it, just give a downer kind of moment. I’ve noticed they like to sprinkle those kinds of moments in before a huge fight or funny moment.


u/thelucky10079 21d ago

i would prefer they keep it, real life can be messy. add in superpowers and aliens, life and death stuff and some stuff just gets forgotten or not thought about


u/LazyLich Ursaal Supremacy 21d ago

but like... to leave just like that. For Debbie, the one friend she had on Earth. For Nolan... probably the only normal-human friend he had.

Like, sending a goodbye text/voicemail wouldnt been shitty, but possibly understandable.
This is just so much worse.


u/thelucky10079 21d ago

i don't disagree with you, sometimes people just suck


u/Murk_Operative 21d ago

Agree the point of this scene in my view is life sucks sometimes you can be good and yet be insignificant, I love Artie but never seen him mentioned a lot.


u/oniBRUH Amber Bennett 21d ago

they should keep it in


u/fabulishous 21d ago

Agreed. I'm not a fan of all the requests to change the original story so some fans can feel better about the characters.


u/sfinney2 Robot 21d ago

Also hate that, but I also think the show writers invited people to feel that way by softening up some of the characters in the show. Now many people see those as "improvements" and expect more "Improvements" down the line.


u/oniBRUH Amber Bennett 21d ago

Exactly, its so annoying when they just leave out parts of the story when they turn a game or comic into a movie/show.


u/lurkerfox 21d ago

Eh, my views is that theyve done a lot so far to make Nolan harder to redeem than he was in the comics so the show is gunna have to either work harder for his redemption arc or roll the dice that it doesnt get received well. A small character scene like this that doesnt impact the plot or anything could be a helpful way to to improve Omniman's character of being a good guy again.

That said I absolutely wouldnt mind seeing this scene unchanged, theres plenty of potential opportunities for the show writers to do what they need to do.


u/ByronicHero06 Comic Fan 21d ago

In #117 him, Nolan and Mark go to a diner.


u/TheFirstMotherOfGod 21d ago

What was it like


u/ByronicHero06 Comic Fan 21d ago

Nolan thought Art would force him to pay but Art insisted on paying.


u/TheFirstMotherOfGod 21d ago

What did that mean


u/Pixel22104 21d ago

Basically meaning Nolan thought Art was going to force Nolan to Pay but Art Insisted on Paying for all their food


u/Tragedy_Boner 20d ago

But why male models?


u/Dry_Bonus_2093 Superman vs Omni-Man 21d ago

Art was kind of pissed and Nolan was apologetic, it was implied that art was going to make the uniforms for the new viltrumite empire


u/JustBiz_Null Pentagon - Parking in Rear 21d ago

But they do have a last conversation. Did you just reach this page and decided that was it and post it ?


u/NO0BSTALKER I thought you were stronger 21d ago

He comes back


u/Lucky_Roberts Spawn 21d ago

Pretty sure they meet again before the story ends


u/ElMatadorJuarez 21d ago

I certainly hope so. The comic dropped the ball hard on the storyline with Nolan coming back to earth, imo. He basically didn’t face any reckoning and almost immediately got forgiven by Mark and Debbie and taken back by her. It doesn’t look like they’re heading that direction in the show (helps that Debbie actually has a personality in the show), so I hope they put in more interactions with Art.


u/Dry_Bonus_2093 Superman vs Omni-Man 21d ago

Forgiving people for doing horrible things is pretty common throughout the series. "He thought he was doing the right thing so it's all good" -Everyone


u/Phuddy Invincible 21d ago

Good god at that top far right panel. Kirkman was seriously into Pawgs and I ain’t mad at him.


u/AzunasHusband 21d ago

I hope art and nolan hung out one last time before the end i mean how cool is a moon house


u/Much_Bet_2395 The Pact 21d ago

Don’t they hang out after this when mark leaves planet after robot takes charge


u/Chad_Kakashi Allen the Alien 21d ago

They did Art dirty


u/11711510111411009710 21d ago

Why doesn't Eve just use her powers to make the bed bigger?


u/Frytura_ 21d ago

Shes destilating on her own saddness at her own time i guess


u/No-Perspective2580 21d ago

Artie my boy!!


u/-Mastermind-Naegi- 21d ago

I hope they leave the scene entirely unchanged but have debbie say "oh damn we forgot to say bye to art" in another scene afterwards


u/oniBRUH Amber Bennett 21d ago

Did my boy dirty fr


u/GoRocketGirl 21d ago

I was so sad when I was reading that part 😭


u/IM_INSIDE_YOUR_HOUSE 20d ago edited 20d ago

I know it’s not the point of the post but goddamn I love chubby Eve.

Like I straight up want her to do to me what Komodo did to Rae.


u/dorkboy20 21d ago

Art. Was a truly decent person and never deserved that from his friend.


u/Psych-Blast 21d ago

The show better change this


u/Thebaldsasquatch Amber Bennett 21d ago

The legs display his crushed feelings so well. Those are dragging and then half stomping steps. Years of thinking he was their friend and they just didn’t give him a second thought.


u/Jimmy-Mac-471 Agent Spider 21d ago

I haven’t read the comics, but is that Art?


u/Dry_Bonus_2093 Superman vs Omni-Man 21d ago

If you like the show you should read the comics and not spoil it for yourself, it's peak fiction.


u/Defiant-Channel2324 21d ago

For the love of God,I hope they change this in the show. And what's even more sad is that Art actually never even got to see Nolan again until his funeral,if they buried his actual body.


u/miho_23 20d ago

yeah, i felt that author didn't do him justice, some characters that were introduced after him got a better ending.

knowing the author, he probably did it on purpose to add a little sadness.


u/AnimeGokuSolos 21d ago

Why is Eve big?


u/OresticlesTesticles 21d ago

Spoilers me bucko


u/ImASpaceLawyer 20d ago

she a baby momma


u/Adamcolter80 20d ago

Why is Eve so luscious and tasty, you say?

The show did her a disservice taking away the cake.


u/Astral_Lady 18d ago

combination of depression, stress eating and not being active as a hero


u/Dull_Ad518 20d ago

I read this in Mark Hamill


u/zoon_politikon_ Brit 21d ago

Not every men are lucky.


u/Thebaldsasquatch Amber Bennett 21d ago

Also, would it have killed them to have Nolan just drop by once later, before he died? Artie deserved that.


u/kniky_Possibly 21d ago

Is that Greg Davis? Lmaoooooo


u/darth-com1x DORK LORD OF THE SITH 20d ago



u/AdEnvironmental3819 20d ago

yeah i ahree poor art!


u/cadeaver 20d ago

Why does everyone pretend this is the last time we see Art lmao


u/Honest-Ad-4386 19d ago

They better change this in the show