r/Invincible May 13 '24

Characters who show designs you prefer over the comic version? I’ll start COMIC SPOILERS


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u/sfinney2 Robot May 13 '24

Anissa's is barely any different that I can tell, but I do think they adapted it well since it's relatively faithful.

Monster Girl dressing in more adult clothes in the show (like a baggy shirt that no longer fits right) instead of like a child's dress obviously makes way more sense.

Going the other way I don't like the shorts they gave Eve... If they had to choose between stay the same, skirt, shorts or full length leggings then shorts is clearly the worst choice imo.

There really aren't a lot of other design changes I can think of, it's mostly a broad change in art style and a lot of little things like Cecil being thinner.


u/Arthur_189 May 13 '24

Yeah Eve kinda looks like she’s wearing mens underwear lol


u/ThisHatRightHere May 13 '24

Eh, they're basically just nike pro style shorts that plenty of women wear.


u/KaiTheFilmGuy Amber Bennett May 13 '24

This exactly. I can imagine a woman wearing something like those IRL, which is probably the decision they went with.


u/sfinney2 Robot May 13 '24

But a woman IRL also wouldn't wear a sleeved and gloved superhero outfit with a short cape and pink boots with it which is probably why it looks so incongruous. Mix of fantasy and practicality.


u/KaiTheFilmGuy Amber Bennett May 13 '24

Canonically, Eve has a cape because she thinks the cape looks cute. That's literally why. No other reason needed lol


u/zia_zepelli Damien Darkblood May 13 '24

This is such a dumb comment on so many levels but the part thats funniest is u admitted you've never seen a woman in underwear lol


u/Appropriate-Divide64 May 14 '24

He definitely told on himself there.


u/MsParalockes Omnipotus May 13 '24

I think i also dont really like Show robot at least not as much as comic robot, later in the comics robot just looks so clean and sick


u/Phoenix1500 Rick Grimes May 13 '24

Going the other way I don't like the shorts they gave Eve... If they had to choose between stay the same, skirt, shorts or full length leggings then shorts is clearly the worst choice imo.

I think they changed it bc technically she is underaged at this point in the show, but I'm really hoping that eventually she gets a more comic accurate outfit, probably after her first death from the Conquest fight (Comic spoilers)


u/sfinney2 Robot May 13 '24

Don't think that has anything to do with it, that would imply they couldn't show high school seniors going to the beach or something which would be some Iran level restriction in the same show where other teens are established to be having superhero orgies with their clones.


u/CircumcisedCats May 14 '24

That’s not the same at all. The key difference is function. Teen girls where bikinis to the beach because they are for swimming and tanning, which is what you do at the beach.

There is no real function of Eves comic costume other than to sexualize her and show off her cheeks, which is fine for an adult Eve but weird for a teen Eve.


u/rebillihp May 14 '24

It's pretty strict, but I wouldn't consider not wanting to show teens in bikinis is anywhere near Iran level restriction


u/LaeLeaps Invincidrip May 14 '24

what you wear to the beach (or in a beach episode) is very different from what you wear every day to work (or as a superheo)