r/Invincible Guardians of the Globe Apr 21 '24

How well would the original guardians fair against battle beast? COMIC SPOILERS


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u/Appellion Show Fan Apr 21 '24

I really want to say that if they weren’t surprised they’d stand a chance but honestly, from everything I’ve read about Battle Beast, he’d expend real effort and probably even get hurt (though not as much as Omniman) but he’d still destroy them.

Now, if they strategized ahead of time and got the jump on him? That would be very interesting.


u/LexeComplexe Apr 21 '24

No amount of strategy will beat Battle Beast. He is the greatest warrior his planet and much of the galaxy has EVER seen. If you don't have the strength to fight him, all the tactics in the universe will not help you.


u/VastoBorde Apr 21 '24

Okay but like...can he swim? Can he breathe in space without help? There are options that don't involve you jacking him off THAT hard


u/LexeComplexe Apr 22 '24

No, the fiercest warrior in much of the known universe never bothered to swim /s


u/VastoBorde Apr 22 '24

Sure totally I forgot really strong means no possible weaknesses /s