r/Invincible Guardians of the Globe Apr 21 '24

How well would the original guardians fair against battle beast? COMIC SPOILERS


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u/jaybankzz Omni-Drip Apr 21 '24

Tbf they only lost because red rush got cocky by trying to attack Omni man instead of protecting his guardians


u/Lucky_Roberts Spawn Apr 21 '24

They were always going to lose


u/MisterTheKid Battle Beast Apr 21 '24

Right? I’m not sure how red rush constantly helping everyone else escape is the only reason the most powerful person on the show up to that point beat them all

Nor am I sure that that would’ve worked as a tactic. So do they just run away the rest of their lives?


u/Dark_Storm_98 Apr 21 '24

Red Rush protecting the Guardiens =/= The Guardians just flee with their lives

Red Rush can push the Guardians out of the way of Omni-Man's attacks

The martian can restrain him like in the show and not move his brain to Moni-Man's chest like a dumbass

War Woman can always be sure to bash him in the head with her mace

Not-Batman can stick to using gadgets instead of trying to get into melee range (also a dumbass)

I won't say they have a perfect strategy, I'm not an expert fight analyst, but if they went about the fight like this they'd have a chance


u/MisterTheKid Battle Beast Apr 21 '24

I’m sorry but they had no chance. Most notably because they weren’t meant to as defined by the writer. The guy why determines the strength of the combatants.

But also in the sequence - it’s clearly shown Omni Man can grab Red Rush moving at full speed.

And that’s while Nolan was just standing still.

There’s literally no reason to think Red Rush is simply too fast for him. We see he is not. How do you know Nolan can’t fly as fast as Rush runs?

Complaining about how it’s staged is valid and understandable.

The outcome was always thus, though.

Like in every other comic/show/movie with a speedster, this question will always be asked.