r/Invincible Omni-Man Apr 14 '24

I love the omni man design in Mortal Kombat GAMING


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u/ThinboyBulk324 Nolan Grayson Apr 15 '24

It’s pretty interesting that this is the most “canon” realistic version of any Invincible character that we’ve gotten so far. If they do Injustice 3, I’m sure we’ll get Invincible as DLC, so that’s something to look forward to.

Also, I can’t wait to see Omni-Man vs Homelander soon! (we all know Omni-Man clears)


u/lemme_try_again Apr 15 '24

I'd LOVE to have Invincible and Watchmen DLC. Injustice 3 is high on my "fingers crossed" list of games I hope get made.


u/ThinboyBulk324 Nolan Grayson Apr 15 '24

Would you recommend Watchmen? I have no idea what it is but it’s always popping up in the superhero fandom haha. Should I check it out?


u/Old_Ratio444 Mohawk Invincible Apr 15 '24



u/Nananonomi Apr 15 '24

I really enjoyed the comics!


u/CartoonAcademic Omni-Man Apr 15 '24

Very much so, I really think it is one of the best comic stories ever written.


u/lemme_try_again Apr 15 '24

Watchmen is the first iteration of the style of superhero media that we have with Invincible and The Boys (and so many others). Some spectacular dialogue too. I might get slammed for saying this but I'd straight up watch the theatrical version once and call it a day. It's VERY faithful to the graphic novel, omitting some juicy stuff that wasn't needed (the theatrical cut is 2h 46m IIRC) and the end was made more... modernly digestible. (The show HBO did may be extra confusing early on if you don't read it or at least look at what they changed.)

"I have walked across the surface of the sun. I've witnessed events so tiny and so fast they can barely been said to have occurred at all; but you, Adrian are just a man- and the world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does it's smartest termite."


u/znhunter Apr 15 '24

Read the book, and then watch the show. If you absolutely must you can watch the Zack Snyder movie but I honestly wouldn't recommend it. It's mid at best and he obviously does not understand the source material beyond a very superficial level. But the show is pretty good


u/InjusticeSGmain War Woman Apr 15 '24

Injustice 3, Titanfall 3, and and ATLA game are my most wanted.

Following that, I want a game adaptation of the Throne of Glass, Frostblood, and Red Queen books. I know its a massive jump and never going to happen, but I definitely want them.


u/CartoonAcademic Omni-Man Apr 15 '24

I would love an invincible DLC but I would really not like a Watchmen one, I really don't think the story or characters would fit a fighting game


u/lemme_try_again Apr 15 '24

How not? They have actual Gods in both MK and Injustice. They're for funsies, not for story. Comedian, Rorschach, Nite Owl, Dr. Manhattan, Silk Specter, Ozy... they all fight. Remarkably well too.