r/Invincible Donald Ferguson Apr 11 '24

It's funny that he didn't give the traditional answer like any superhero COMIC SPOILERS

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u/MysteryMan9274 "Dude, I saw it on Reddit" Apr 11 '24

Yeah, until that fucking tentacle monster that belongs in some shitty hentai screws over his life.


u/Fragrant-Potential40 Apr 11 '24

Yeah I kinda hated what came after this point. Punishing mark by putting him back 5 years in the future to see his daughter older was already a punch in the gut, then the whole Eve dating an alien just added insult to injury. That part I felt was pretty unnecessary, Terra was enough imo


u/5am281 Robot Apr 11 '24

Why? That just felt like a logical thing to happen if Mark is believed dead for 5 years why wouldn’t Eve date again. Is she supposed to stay single for 20 years first?


u/Fragrant-Potential40 Apr 11 '24

I mean it just didn’t really add anything to the story, at all. To me it just kinda felt like reboot was just an excuse to age up thraggs kids 5 years, and there’s plenty of other ways to go about that then having a deity take him to the past, and then never explain what that thing was. None of it was ever expanded upon after that. Neither was eve dating another guy ever talked about more than once, and their relationship just felt forced after that. Kinda got the vibe that she didn’t really want to be with him after that, and the only reason she stayed with him was for Terra. I’m not saying she’s wrong for doing it, I just felt there was alot of unnecessary parts to that story that they could easily change in the show


u/idontlikeshowers Apr 13 '24

I disagree on their relationship feeling forced because it’s made very clear to me that Eve very much loves Mark still, as in being in love with him things just became complicated after he came back. 


u/Fragrant-Potential40 Apr 13 '24

To me it just seemed like she didn’t really want to be with him after he came back, but I might not remember that part the best as it’s been awhile since I’ve read the comics again


u/ProfPotatoKing Apr 11 '24

I mean…it happened in the Odyssey…