r/Invincible Apr 10 '24

Could this version of invincible be stronger than the one we know? DISCUSSION

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u/Avocadobaker Apr 10 '24

Our Mark also holds back. He’s like Gohan, all the power, but has fear of using it.


u/fade_ Apr 10 '24

Fear of losing control so he doesn't put in 100% he holds back even while training.


u/Ok-Satisfaction-5012 Apr 10 '24

That’s objectively so fucking dumb and they should have someone work through that with him. He knows the viltrumires are coming and there are several of them at least, that he himself has seen. Anissa dog walked him without breaking a sweat, he’s the most potent defense earth has and he’s encumbering his own ability to defend the earth because he’s undercutting his training and improvement. The notion that anyone would countenance mark pulling punches because he’s worried about being strong is madness


u/lynx3762 Apr 10 '24

It might be physically easy to kill someone but it's very difficult emotionally. Most people pull punches in real life even though they aren't going to kill someone even at full strength


u/Ok-Satisfaction-5012 Apr 10 '24

Killing someone and stopping yourself from being killed are two different things, although the distinction may be marginal when viltrumites fight. Anissa subdued mark and could’ve easily drubbed him without killing him because she’s that much stronger. Nolan wouldn’t have to kill mark to beat him. Part of why killing looms so large for mark’s fights is because those he’s fighting are that mix stronger. If he wants to preserve his ability to refrain from killing, while also thwarting those who threaten earth then he has to be substantially stronger than he is currently, and the only way to do that is to work at it


u/100percentnotaplant Apr 13 '24

Rex killed like 4 people in less than 2 minutes, he seems fine.