r/Invincible Apr 10 '24

Could this version of invincible be stronger than the one we know? DISCUSSION

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u/Avocadobaker Apr 10 '24

Our Mark also holds back. He’s like Gohan, all the power, but has fear of using it.


u/fade_ Apr 10 '24

Fear of losing control so he doesn't put in 100% he holds back even while training.


u/Ok-Satisfaction-5012 Apr 10 '24

That’s objectively so fucking dumb and they should have someone work through that with him. He knows the viltrumires are coming and there are several of them at least, that he himself has seen. Anissa dog walked him without breaking a sweat, he’s the most potent defense earth has and he’s encumbering his own ability to defend the earth because he’s undercutting his training and improvement. The notion that anyone would countenance mark pulling punches because he’s worried about being strong is madness


u/Sil_vas Apr 10 '24

idk if theres really anyone he can train with apart from allen or another viltrumite, maybe monster girl could tank a few full force punches but idk about anyone else


u/Ok-Satisfaction-5012 Apr 10 '24

When mark was flying earlier in the year he and his father spoke about how flying was an act of physical exertion for viltrumites. I doubt mark could safely fly at top speeds on earth but he can enter space at will and it seems he’s remiss in not practicing there. As for other physical capacities I imagine collaboration between himself and Cecil could produce facilities which could enable him to train his abilities. Of all of the superheroed characters depicted in the show, mark is easily both the least experienced and the least routinely training