r/Invincible Apr 06 '24

Playing the Atom Eve game, I'm a type 1 diabetic... If only GAMING

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"It would flow like water." was the next dialogue bubble. Perfection. I love it.


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u/[deleted] Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

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u/Effective_Fold7157 Apr 07 '24

Considering we need carbon in the atmosphere I’d so no it isn’t. And since she didn’t know shit about building a park I doubt she’d know when to stop filtering so as to not fuck our planet


u/zevondhen Mark Grayson Apr 07 '24

I’m not about to get into a debate about the reality of global warming in relation to carbon in the atmosphere on Reddit, but this question implies it is, in fact, an issue that needs fixing. Also, if she’s that likely to fuck up, then she might fuck insulin or roads up.


u/Effective_Fold7157 Apr 07 '24

No one was starting a debate about that calm down


u/zevondhen Mark Grayson Apr 07 '24

I’m not upset? I do “speak” directly, though.


u/Effective_Fold7157 Apr 07 '24

I didn’t say you were upset.


u/zevondhen Mark Grayson Apr 07 '24

What do you mean by “calm down?”


u/Effective_Fold7157 Apr 07 '24

Calm down. Exactly what it means. You are not calm.


u/zevondhen Mark Grayson Apr 07 '24

And I’d say that technically “not calm” falls under the umbrella of “upset.”


u/Effective_Fold7157 Apr 07 '24

I don’t. You can be excited and that’s not upset


u/zevondhen Mark Grayson Apr 07 '24

Regardless of hair-splitting terminology, I was calm. -Now- I’m getting irritated because this is getting silly. Do you really want to continue, do you want to win, or do you (as in the both of us) want to go on with your/our day?

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u/zevondhen Mark Grayson Apr 07 '24

Well, text isn’t a reliable way to communicate mood.