r/Invincible Battle Beast Apr 02 '24

Is Mark Korean-American in the comics as well? DISCUSSION

I thought his race/ethnicity was something present in the comics but I’ve been reading through them and have found no mention of it so far


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u/RakshashaRavana Apr 02 '24 edited Apr 02 '24

Hes actually asian- viltrumite

Edited: Guys u was making a joke about how people in US call themselvs african american or asian american or anglo american. At most hes a mix between human and viltrumite. Now am assuming viltrumites culuture has evoled beyong the concept of nationalism or culturalism as they seem to be soly homogensized (as they are barely left) and am guessing he would probably self actualize as an american since he grew up in the US. But yall need to chill with this entire discussion i was making a joke. Dont need an entire debate about race- ethnisicty- spieces and culture etc


u/fliplock89 Apr 02 '24

He would be a human-viltrumite. Viltrumite would be the species like humans are. It wouldn't be equivalent to being Asian.


u/quinn_the_potato Apr 02 '24 edited Apr 02 '24

Exactly. It’d be whatever the Caucasian equivalent is on Viltrum. (Assuming Nolan is supposed to look Caucasian)


u/Budget-Attorney Cecil Stedman Apr 02 '24

I doubt the viltrumites have a name for different races.

Given their society I would assume that being viltrumite is what matters and internal viltrumite distinctions are seldom made. At the least they would classify viltrumites more by strength than flesh color


u/sinkwiththeship Apr 02 '24

They have two races: strong and dead.


u/Hakatu189 Apr 03 '24

This guy understands ☝️