r/Invincible Mar 28 '24

Why do people say « I wish I was Mark » in regards to THAT scene when they can wish to be this man instead? COMIC SPOILERS

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I never understood it. Mark is a SA victim, that’s not something to want. Who the hell looks forward to getting rped? On the other hand, Scott still has sex with Anissa AND it’s loving and consensual relationship where she doesn’t act like an alien tyrant anymore. It’s leagues better than what she did to Mark. Even if someone wants to acknowledge that she’s physically attractive, they can still do that without the rpe victim part.


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u/Freddycipher Mar 28 '24

Those people probably don’t even know Scott exists.


u/Kokonut-Z Mar 28 '24

Unfortunately no. What Anissa does to Mark is the most well known spoiler since everyone was talking about it since episode 1 of the show and that got a lot of people to say they wish they were Mark. I am disappointed that no one brings up her good relationship instead.


u/RnRaintnoisepolution Mar 29 '24

That's the reason I really hope they cover that part. Too many people downplay SA of men because "Dude she's hot how could you not want to have sex with her?" When SA is traumatic regardless of the physical attractiveness of the perpetrator.

Hopefully a serious depiction of SA of men will help at least some people take it (as well as SA of women and others) seriously.


u/Procrastinator78 Mar 29 '24

I think its because of how media often portrays men as being hypersexual and always up for sex, when simply its not true. They can't really grasp the concept because in their mind they'd be grateful because they're lonely or they can't imagine someone not enjoying sex even if its nonconsensual, so they can't really put themselves in the victims place because they just can't picture it being a bad thing. I think its why SA is downplayed so much for both sexes by men and women, they've never experienced it, so they can't empathize. I mean thats a good thing that its never happened to them, but at times it can come across as victim blame type of thing and really invalidate someone's feelings, but they don't realize.