r/Invincible Mar 28 '24

Why do people say « I wish I was Mark » in regards to THAT scene when they can wish to be this man instead? COMIC SPOILERS

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I never understood it. Mark is a SA victim, that’s not something to want. Who the hell looks forward to getting rped? On the other hand, Scott still has sex with Anissa AND it’s loving and consensual relationship where she doesn’t act like an alien tyrant anymore. It’s leagues better than what she did to Mark. Even if someone wants to acknowledge that she’s physically attractive, they can still do that without the rpe victim part.


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u/USS-ChuckleFucker Mar 28 '24

They're stupid and don't acknowledge how traumatizing SA actually is.


u/Kokonut-Z Mar 28 '24

It’s just so dumb. Even if they think Anissa is hot and they would want to be dominated, SA isn’t the way to go. Reminds me of people going “where was that teacher when I was a kid” when certain news reports happen


u/iHateThisPlaceNowOK Omnipotus Mar 28 '24

I think they forget about this scene tbh.


u/Kokonut-Z Mar 28 '24

As someone pointed out, some probably don’t even know Scott exist since they haven’t read the comics and only talk about the Anissa scene with Mark on the farm