r/Invincible Mar 28 '24

Why do people say « I wish I was Mark » in regards to THAT scene when they can wish to be this man instead? COMIC SPOILERS

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I never understood it. Mark is a SA victim, that’s not something to want. Who the hell looks forward to getting rped? On the other hand, Scott still has sex with Anissa AND it’s loving and consensual relationship where she doesn’t act like an alien tyrant anymore. It’s leagues better than what she did to Mark. Even if someone wants to acknowledge that she’s physically attractive, they can still do that without the rpe victim part.


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u/BubblesZap Mar 28 '24

Not the point at all but as someone who's read some but not near all of the comics it's really funny and cool seeing viltrumites have such intense shifts both seeing how bad they were before redemption and how good they are after without knowing the in-between parts.


u/Kokonut-Z Mar 28 '24

This is something that I think the show will elaborate on. We’re probably going to see how they changed. I’m still surprised with Anissa’s change because the last time we see her before she’s with Scott, she refuses to be in a relationship with humans since they’ve inferior so how the hell did he pull her? We have no idea how they met and why Anissa was willing to try something new


u/existonfilenerf Mar 28 '24


u/Altruistic_Mall_4204 Mar 28 '24

Hardness is probably more important then being big in that situation, as if she is not careful, she could squeeze your p hard enough to push all the blood back into the body


u/Any-Lawfulness-4077 Battle Beast Mar 29 '24

If you eat her out and she has an uncontrollable orgasm would she crush your head like a watermelon? Asking for a friend.


u/ThunderBlack14 Mar 29 '24

Probably yes , since popclaw in The Boys wasn't near strong as Anissa and did that to a guy.


u/Altruistic_Mall_4204 Mar 29 '24

she probably has a good control over her strengh, but mistake can still happen, so yes


u/BubblesZap Mar 28 '24

I really hope they do focus up on that, even if only for a scene or two that'd just be really cool and important to see imo


u/henzry Mar 28 '24

Well the panel during the dialogue shows a couple of earth guys rudely hitting on her. I think her opinion is formed from the general lack of agency most women have to cope with in “traditional” relationships and life in general. Contrast that to viltrumite culture where strength is the universal measure of merit regardless of gender and I could see why she is less enthusiastic to life on earth than her male counterparts. She probably is attracted to what’s his face because he actually appreciates her for her strength and is comfortable being the “weak” one in the relationship.


u/SoochSooch The Mauler Twins Mar 28 '24

Earthussy is just that good.


u/RaptorDoingADance Mar 29 '24

Well at this situation it’s earthick.


u/Mloxard_CZ How did you get here!? Mar 28 '24

He's a really nice guy


u/Frequent_Brick4608 Mar 28 '24

i'm kinda hoping to see that mark left a huge impression on her in the latest episode.


u/Clouthead2001 Mar 29 '24

Scott just got that dog in him


u/CaptainRedRater 29d ago

They call him 33cm Scott round the way.


u/East_Simple Nolan Grayson Mar 30 '24

I would bet she started changing after she gave birth to Marky. I mean, look at Nolan, sure he loved Debbie, but in end, it was his love to Mark that won him over to the side of good


u/Blueguy16 Invincidrip Mar 28 '24

She wanted the bbc


u/ForfeitFPV Mar 28 '24

Why is she so interested in British television?


u/Weatherwitchway Mar 28 '24

That’s a dangerous racist stereotype which makes black men into objects.


u/Blueguy16 Invincidrip Mar 31 '24

I’m literally black bro lmao but since yall don’t know that I’m assuming that’s the reason for all those downvotes


u/RastaBananaTree Mar 29 '24

As a black man I can say I don’t need y’all to be offended for me and we really don’t care about this stereotype. It’s not that deep.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24



u/RastaBananaTree Mar 29 '24

Just sounds like you’re soft brother. Also if you’re black why’d you make your lil Reddit avatar look so white?


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24



u/RastaBananaTree Mar 30 '24

Wym, you took the time to design it lmfao. You’re definitely not black.


u/silvershadow881 Mar 28 '24

I love Kregg saying "and I love them all" referring to his multiple partners.

I hope they keep the line for the series.


u/AM1232 Mar 29 '24

Kregg is just so hilarious tbh. Incredibly stuck up before the migration, then decides to be a biker of all things and ends up with a harem that he really loves. Could've had a miniseries just following his adventures on Earth.


u/ForfeitFPV Mar 28 '24

Poly-amorous Mr. Krab GO!


u/only_horscraft Mar 28 '24

Humans are just built different I guess.


u/Clintwood_outlaw Mar 29 '24

Tbh the comics seemed to ignore a lot of the arch details. I haven't read them all, but they seem to brush past a LOT of stuff.


u/irtesh Mar 29 '24

İt's like morality and ethics don't exist in their mind until they get laid with a human lol maybe it's kind of STD lmao