r/Invincible Mar 21 '24

Anyone else annoyed they changed this? COMIC SPOILERS

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Amazon primes doesn’t allow screenshots so I’ll just use this basic pic, but is anyone else annoyed Rae survived? Because if she survives, that means everyone survived the battle. Let at least 1 death from that fight be permanent.


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u/Cautious-Affect7907 Mar 21 '24

And even if she wasn’t fully crushed, she had probably very little air. She should’ve suffocated.


u/HolyCadaver Mar 22 '24

I would like to point out his head was blown off a minute or so after, creating an airway.

A minute or so without oxygen isn't too hard (ignoring injuries of course, but with their level of technology it isn't too unreasonable to think she could be recovered)


u/Cautious-Affect7907 Mar 22 '24

Even so, it was implied Komodo basically crushed her from the inside with his super strength. Baiscally popping her like balloon from the inside.

Even partially crushed she should’ve looked way more mangled, which would make her survival even more unbelievable;


u/HolyCadaver Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

I don't think it would?

She was in his esophagus, not his throat (obviously when she gets bigger she does seem to get into the throat region, but shrinking back down once he starts crushing you fixes that)

Yes, you can flex your throat and probably hold onto something. And with superpowers definitely crush.

But the esophagus doesn't work by crushing, it's a striated muscle system combined with peristalsis.

Meaning that it works in a wave like formation to gently push food down, even with superpowers it's just aggressive waves.

Komodo shouldn't actually be able to crush her if she goes too far down. I've tried googling if it's possible to intentionally constrict your esophagus as a whole but all I can find is crap about dilating it.

If you can pull anything up that states otherwise I'm happy to admit I'm wrong.

Edit* I just realized I may have made an error in assuming he has a humans esophagus, I'm currently researching komodo dragon throats to make sure I didn't just write out all that for nothing.

Second edit* after a quick Google trip it seems that Komodo dragons use the swallowing method we do, although they do pre-digest their food while it's being swallowed.

So assuming superpowers amplify his stomach acid a bit some severe tissue scarring wouldn't be remiss.