r/Invincible Mar 21 '24

Anyone else annoyed they changed this? COMIC SPOILERS

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Amazon primes doesn’t allow screenshots so I’ll just use this basic pic, but is anyone else annoyed Rae survived? Because if she survives, that means everyone survived the battle. Let at least 1 death from that fight be permanent.


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u/Comprehensive-Star27 Mar 21 '24

It wouldn’t make sense that she’d be dead. I’m willing to bet Cecil has a copy of dupli Kate stored somewhere.


u/clearfox777 Mar 21 '24

Fr, anyone with that power would designate one clone to chill at home all day or put into suspension just in case.


u/Arcaydya Mar 21 '24

I swear some of you read the comics and are playing dumb.


u/West_Assistance7128 Mar 21 '24

Nah it’s lowkey common sense having Kate die would be dumb bc she could always keep a clone stored somewhere else just in case. her death was cool for plot but I think it would be really dumb if she was actually dead considering her abilities.


u/Arcaydya Mar 21 '24

I mean that's literally what she does I just think it's funny.

It is common sense tho, you right.