r/Invincible Mar 21 '24

Anyone else annoyed they changed this? COMIC SPOILERS

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Amazon primes doesn’t allow screenshots so I’ll just use this basic pic, but is anyone else annoyed Rae survived? Because if she survives, that means everyone survived the battle. Let at least 1 death from that fight be permanent.


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u/Serious-Sea1037 Comic Fan Mar 21 '24

Yeah it kinda annoyed me too, I thought those disturbing sound effects were her last moments. How would you even survive that?


u/polishboi_2137 Shrinking Rae Mar 21 '24

How would you even survive that?

By shrinking once you realize you're fucked and can't blow up the enemy from the inside


u/Karolus2001 Mar 21 '24

Then you fall into superhuman digestive system both crushed and chewed up. Both outcomes should be 100% lethal, but if you don't chicken out you might have a shoot at asphyxiating him.

I assume she was chewed up badly, because otherwise why not just climb your way to his lungs or some other bamboozling.


u/AllinForBadgers Mar 21 '24

Digestion is slow. You’d be fine and not “crushed up?” for a time. The real killer is there’s no breathable air in there.


u/Numerous_Witness_345 Mar 21 '24

Maybe being a tiny person would greatly reduce oxygen demands.

She was in there for a few minutes, tops. Maybe unconscious, which would reduce oxygen need further.


u/Leviathon6348 Mar 21 '24

Well we don’t really know how much time passed between Rex getting blapped and waking up again. unless I was just to flabbergasted and high to notice any clock or time indication lol


u/CoolJoshido Mar 21 '24

he’s a snake super hybrid not a regular human


u/MobileSeparate398 Mar 21 '24

Digestion is slow in all animals, especially reptiles which are cold blooded. Stomach acid may cause skin burns but it's not turning her to goo in 10 minutes


u/Pokermans06 Mar 22 '24

Aren’t Komodo dragons known for having really strong digestive systems though?


u/MobileSeparate398 Mar 22 '24

Takes them over a day on ideal conditions to digest food that's sitting still. 5 days if it's cold.

What I meant is they don't use additional methods to speed up digestion like internal muscles that mix the food up or even break it down further.

And the point stands that he couldn't digest her in the 10-ish minutes she was inside him. Most of her was covered in clothing which must be resistant to some degree, then skin would take much longer than the flight lasted for due to oils and the tough outer layers.


u/Alocalskinwalker420 Battle Beast Mar 21 '24

Bingo, they’ll say that he has breathable air in his body.


u/rammerjammerbitch Mar 21 '24

Gila monster.


u/Sovarius Mar 21 '24

His name is Komodo Dragon lol


u/rammerjammerbitch Mar 21 '24

I thought it was Gila Monster


u/BeekeeperJack Mar 21 '24

There was a post saying salamander’s name should be Gila Monster but I don’t think there’s actually a lizard league character with that name


u/Ok_Antelope_1953 Invincible 🍑 Mar 21 '24

the dude chewed her when he put her in his mouth. she would be mangled. imagine putting a piece of celery in your mouth, chewing it once, then spitting it out.


u/xstormaggedonx War Woman Mar 21 '24

Climbing her way to his lungs is probably what she did. She'd have to be somewhere in his torso rather than his head/neck to survive Rex's explosion


u/HumanOverseer I’m mentally unstable and Omni-Man is hot Mar 21 '24

nah she turned to corn homie


u/Wannabeartist9974 Mar 21 '24

I find it hilarious how everyone thinks the acid instantly burned her up, digestion is slow fellas.


u/HumanOverseer I’m mentally unstable and Omni-Man is hot Mar 23 '24

yeah, mfs forget this shit takes like 48 hours lol


u/DravenPlsBeMyDad Apr 07 '24

it takes 6 and the guy that swallowed her has extra strong acid, or he was supposed do.


u/Clown-Cloaca Apr 03 '24

The big hint is the fact that Komodo doesn't have a distended stomach from having crushed a ~5'8" woman in his stomach. She would have shrunk to buy herself time at least.


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 21 '24

I actually called this scenario on another post a few days ago. I knew once Komodo's head was blown off, that Shrinking Rae was going to exit through the hole, having shrunk down when she couldn't break through. I hate that Kate is gone, but I will hold out hope that one copy (or the original) is out there somewhere.


u/Pearl-Internal81 Savage Dragon Mar 21 '24

I hate that Kate is gone…

I take it you haven’t read the comics?


u/geeker390 Pentagon - Parking in Rear Mar 21 '24

Hey be careful with how you format talks about the comics. "I hate that Kate is gone" followed by spoiler text insinuates more than I think you realized when you typed it


u/Mistmade Mar 21 '24

This is a cominc spoiler threat, if anyone reads this without having read the comics its only their own fault.


u/geeker390 Pentagon - Parking in Rear Mar 21 '24

I mean, it's labeled as show spoiler.


u/Mistmade Mar 21 '24

When I scroll to the top it reads comic spoilers for me. Maybe it got changed along the way?


u/geeker390 Pentagon - Parking in Rear Mar 21 '24

Huh. That's really odd. You are correct, though. If it said comic spoilers, we wouldn't need to spoiler tag it.


u/coochie_monster_1 Mauler Twins (Original) Mar 21 '24

It says comic spoilers


u/geeker390 Pentagon - Parking in Rear Mar 21 '24

Yeah idk dude it says show spoilers for me. Whatever tho


u/DataExpunged365 Doc Seismic Mar 21 '24

That’s absolutely stupid. The comic is different from the show now, and we see they’ve taken liberties on how they’re telling the story. Blaming someone for wanting to watch the show over reading is a douche move.


u/Mistmade Mar 21 '24

Yea, it’s different. Talking about comic spoilers in a comic spoiler thread should be okay tho. Where else can we talk about comic spoilers? Do we need a comic spoiler spoilers thread or what?


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 22 '24

Ok. Sorry. I didn't realize that was considered spoiler text. 😳


u/geeker390 Pentagon - Parking in Rear Mar 22 '24

Nah I wasn't talking to you you're good


u/Limp-Ad8441 Mar 21 '24

How would you like them to format the spoiler warning that everyone uses equally the same across this website? 


u/geeker390 Pentagon - Parking in Rear Mar 21 '24

Spoiler tag the whole comment or not post at all


u/AllinForBadgers Mar 21 '24

May as well just spoil the whole thing


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 21 '24

I did!! But you know they always try to change things up in the show. That's all I meant.


u/ZenOkami Mar 21 '24

I'm willing to bet they won't kill her until after her brother gets properly introduced, at the very least. Plus, she's supposed to start a family with Immortal, which will serve as kind of a foil for Mark and Eve


u/Prudent_Effect6939 Allen the Alien Mar 21 '24

I mean watching the show, theres no reason I should expect them to stick to comics


u/approveddust698 Mar 21 '24

Why’s that


u/Prudent_Effect6939 Allen the Alien Mar 22 '24

Because they do change things? 


u/Himesis Mar 31 '24

Or watched/read Naruto


u/TakeTheSlabb Mar 21 '24

There…there were large crushing noises when he chewed. She wouldn’t come out the same.


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber Mar 21 '24

Somebody mentioned that her body seemed short, so.....


u/don2171 Mar 21 '24

Given that getting smacked while tiny doesn't obliterate her like the bug size she is it's safe to say she would be exceptionally durable. Could easily have the durability of a much larger person given how the ability works.


u/approveddust698 Mar 21 '24

The show should’ve given us a hint to that at some point


u/don2171 Mar 21 '24

The fight itself does when she got swatted away multiple times while being fly size along with instantly killing the one dude upon entering past his eye that she wasn't that weak. The damage the Kate's were sustaining vs her gave me that impression


u/approveddust698 Mar 21 '24

Swatted =/= getting chewed kn


u/don2171 Mar 21 '24

Of course it's different but getting swatted for something the size of a bug especially with the killing intent those guys had would surely cause damage but it didn't.thus I believed she was stronger than she looked thus here serving was plausible.


u/znhunter Mar 21 '24

We don't know that Kate survives in this version yet.


u/NotAChefJustACook Run the Twins Mar 21 '24

It was a hell of a way to die, they should’ve kept it that way


u/Belphegorkingofsloth Mar 21 '24

IRL anatomy there aren't any strong muscles to squish your esophagus/airpipe they just move food up and down. She was choking on both her and Komdos blood so drowning was a bigger threat there


u/not_brayden13 Mar 21 '24

You shouldn’t be able to


u/Radialpuddle Mar 21 '24

Nothing in this show is something anyone should be able to do.


u/approveddust698 Mar 21 '24

If mark was shrunk he definitely would survive. The thing is the show never showed us that Rae would have the capability to. Let’s say during a training scene or something she was thrown into a wall or something while she was shrunk and the wall cracked and she was dazed, We would know that she’s tougher when she’s small.


u/milkyginger Mar 21 '24

We didn't know Rex could survive getting shot in the head till he did. Do we need a scene of someone else shooting him in the head so we'd know ahead of time?


u/JustBiz_Null Pentagon - Parking in Rear Mar 21 '24

There are cases of people surviving that in real life tho

Perhaps the comic did it a little better since there Rex actually hits him to throw his aim off



u/milkyginger Mar 21 '24


Here is Rae thrown through a wall like OP wanted to see.


u/approveddust698 Mar 21 '24

It looks like monster girl went through the wall first


u/approveddust698 Mar 21 '24

He got his ass completely destroyed by monster girl. Definitely more durable than a normal human


u/milkyginger Mar 21 '24

Didn't Rae get hit by Battle Beast?


u/approveddust698 Mar 21 '24

Not really she jumped at him and he raised his fist. She pretty much jumped headfirst into a wall, fell onto a rock and was knocked out.

Not equal to being chewed on, crushed, and seemingly swallowed whole


u/milkyginger Mar 21 '24

She also burst out of the lava guy's head and the tentacle guy throws her through a wall.


u/approveddust698 Mar 21 '24

Lava guy honestly confused me the first time I saw it but if you think that’s enough go for it that’s fair. Monster girl went through the wall first anyway to either protect her or just so happened to be in the way. Either way I don’t think that’s enough.

But even then she jumped into BB’s fist fell and was knocked unconscious BB was clearly holding back and trying to have fun that fight anyway.


u/GreatKnightJ Shrinking Rae Mar 21 '24

She already survived being backhanded in the face by Battle Beast, I feel like that counts for something.


u/easymmkay120 Mar 22 '24

That counts for way more than Salamender (who also swats her like a fly in this very fight) and Komodo Dragon's feat.


u/easymmkay120 Mar 22 '24

She is literally slapped by Salamander in this fight and she is slapped fucking hard. That's right before she digs into his eyeball.


u/approveddust698 Mar 22 '24

Is salamander special in some way or?


u/JustBiz_Null Pentagon - Parking in Rear Mar 21 '24

I mean, the ones who've taken the most punishment are viltrumites and it's kinda their thing to have absurd pain tolerance, stamina and regeneration


u/wimpymist Mar 21 '24

Yeah idk why people are trying to be logical about a show with superheroes lol


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

You shouldn't be able to survive being shot in the head or being disemboweled + having your arms torn off + getting punched so hard your eye comes out either lol, this is where you draw the line?


u/don2171 Mar 21 '24

To be fair plenty of people survive headshots some even continue fighting through them. A supposedly super human person could easily have a low caliber bounce of there skull If the angle is right. We already have the man that had a rod blast through his head and he turned himself into a freak show to make money of that incident


u/Parkwaydrive777 Mar 21 '24

Anecdotal, but to emphasize... my Uncle was shot in the head. Clean through the upper left lobe.

He had massive surgery, long recovery (had to "relearn" things), all that... but he lived without any significant brain damage or any long term effects, except the occasional migraine-like headaches. But from the outside perspective it's unnoticeable it ever happened. Still alive in his late 50s (happened when he was like early 30s)

To this day I don't get how he even managed to survive, but the body can be quite insane with recovery on a unique basis if treated quickly enough. There's a ton of insane medical stories (as you stated) that break much of what ought to be possible.

And this is all without the fantasy "high tech" Invincible medical treatments. Just saying.


u/evrestcoleghost Mar 21 '24

well a guy got shot by his wife and wake up with some migraine jaja


u/alarrimore03 Mar 22 '24

Well he hasn’t really been shown to be really tough and durable and not only did he survive a headshot but his fucking hand was also bitten off. If he survived because of doctors and stuff I’d been fine becuase they have some tech in the show but that didn’t happen. He survived and just got up and killed the dude with a headshot and a hand missing and then the doctors saved him


u/CoolJoshido Mar 21 '24

people have survived headshots irl


u/C1ap_trap Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

People survive headshots often, and Allen is explicitly an alien supersoldier.


u/goodguyScratch1 Mar 21 '24

Well Rex was shot in an angle of his head that looks like it didn’t even hit his brain, there has been a case about someone having something similar happen to them in real life


u/Cautious-Affect7907 Mar 21 '24

And even if she wasn’t fully crushed, she had probably very little air. She should’ve suffocated.


u/HolyCadaver Mar 22 '24

I would like to point out his head was blown off a minute or so after, creating an airway.

A minute or so without oxygen isn't too hard (ignoring injuries of course, but with their level of technology it isn't too unreasonable to think she could be recovered)


u/Cautious-Affect7907 Mar 22 '24

Even so, it was implied Komodo basically crushed her from the inside with his super strength. Baiscally popping her like balloon from the inside.

Even partially crushed she should’ve looked way more mangled, which would make her survival even more unbelievable;


u/HolyCadaver Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

I don't think it would?

She was in his esophagus, not his throat (obviously when she gets bigger she does seem to get into the throat region, but shrinking back down once he starts crushing you fixes that)

Yes, you can flex your throat and probably hold onto something. And with superpowers definitely crush.

But the esophagus doesn't work by crushing, it's a striated muscle system combined with peristalsis.

Meaning that it works in a wave like formation to gently push food down, even with superpowers it's just aggressive waves.

Komodo shouldn't actually be able to crush her if she goes too far down. I've tried googling if it's possible to intentionally constrict your esophagus as a whole but all I can find is crap about dilating it.

If you can pull anything up that states otherwise I'm happy to admit I'm wrong.

Edit* I just realized I may have made an error in assuming he has a humans esophagus, I'm currently researching komodo dragon throats to make sure I didn't just write out all that for nothing.

Second edit* after a quick Google trip it seems that Komodo dragons use the swallowing method we do, although they do pre-digest their food while it's being swallowed.

So assuming superpowers amplify his stomach acid a bit some severe tissue scarring wouldn't be remiss.


u/easymmkay120 Mar 22 '24

We see the lump in him shrink in the same scene.


u/HomoProfessionalis Mar 22 '24

Attemptively vague spoiler from the comics This is a trend.