r/Invincible Dec 16 '23

Do you think the Guardians Of The Globe could have won if Red Rush had stuck to just bailing the others out of death and hadn't attacked himself, or do you think everyone was doomed no matter what? They did put up a great fight even after he was removed, so I think it's plausible they could have. DISCUSSION

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u/IJustLostMyKeyboard Dec 16 '23

He went faster than the speed of light at the end of season 1. They say he left the solar system only a couple minutes after he left earth.


u/Omicra98 Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 18 '23

It sounds dumb, but how far does the solar system extend perpendicularly? The planets are pretty much aligned on a single plane, so going with said plane would be long, but if he went perpendicular to the plane, it would be quicker?


u/The2NDComingOfChrist Dec 17 '23

FUCK this question is driving me insane because there is literally zero answers online. Either that or I'm just ridiculously impatient lmaooo


u/VyldFyre Dec 17 '23

It's roughly the same as where you would put the horizontal limits to be. The limits of our solar system is generally defined to be the oort cloud which is basically spherical, more or less. I mean, It's a "solar" system, after all. It should be an attribute of the sun. The Sun's gravity is constant along the surface of a sphere, so any models of demarcation would be bounded by a sphere no matter the convention you use.