r/Invincible Nov 30 '23

In case you're wondering why the Insectussy was worth it COMIC SPOILERS

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Lol we were robbed by Amazon indeed


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u/RiflemanLax Nov 30 '23

“Some kids might be watching this. Tone down the boobs and ass, but… leave the violence.”

-Amazon, probably


u/schebobo180 Nov 30 '23

Yeah I’ve always found it funny how people make a shit storm about T&A but have zero issues showing the most disgusting and brutal violence on screen.

I know that people are trying to stop seeming pervy but there is still something odd about it.

Reminds me of the discourse around Mortal Kombat 1, and how the series has gradually reduced the skimpiness of outfits. On one hand I get it, but on the other hand they have ratchets up the violence to hilariously OTT levels.

Like I just don’t get how someone is ok developing a game where the thanksgiving themed fatality is literally one fighter forcing food into another fighter and having it burst out of their faces with blood and guts, but are like “eww!” When one of their female characters is showing too much skin.

At the end of the day though, the developers should feel free to creat whatever they want but like I said its just weird.


u/Lemonkainen Dec 01 '23

I think it’s similar to why people hate Dolores Umbridge more than Voldemort. She’s the sort of evil you’re actually likely to have to deal with in real life. Over the top violence is less likely to bother people because it’s pretty easy, usually, to tell that the media isn’t actually endorsing committing acts of violence, and even if it does it’s in a context that’s unlikely to be relevant to people’s lives. Women in skimpy outfits to appeal to the male gaze, on the other hand, is something that every woman has seen happen in real life. It’s also a lot harder to tell if the woman in question just happens to dress that way, or if it was done to treat her as a sex object. Even if you want to show empowered sexual women it requires a lot of nuance and careful framing of the sexiness to make sure it doesn’t come across as gratuitous. It’s much easier, therefore, to just avoid it entirely unless the story requires it.


u/idontlikeshowers 2d ago

What you said is great. I bet your argument was just reduced down to being a prude but I see that you actually get it.