r/Invincible Nov 23 '23

The most unexpected part of the comic for me COMIC SPOILERS


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u/Tbrahhh23 Nov 23 '23

Doesn't Kreig ( I think that was his name ) have like 10+ baby mamas lmao


u/zingerpond The Mauler Twins Nov 23 '23


u/Kostya_M Nov 24 '23

Maybe I'm not reading expressions right but weirdly it seems like at least 2 of these 10(?) women aren't even pissed. Even the one on the right and in front doesn't look angry. I do kinda wish they'd shown at least a panel or two after this of them saying something to each other.


u/sarcasticd0nkey Nov 26 '23

I'm well aware that this is a stereotype...

However I would be extremely surprised if the one in green on the couch is straight.

This might be a dream come true for her.

(I'm well aware bi-sexual doesn't mean hyper-sexual; but if you can have your cake and eat it too then I think a lot of people would. I'll accept my down votes now.)