r/Invincible Nov 23 '23

The most unexpected part of the comic for me COMIC SPOILERS


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u/TEmpTom Nov 23 '23

This is why the evil Invincibles of the alternate universes made no sense to me. It took less than a year for Earth culture to assimilate even the most ruthless Viltrumites, people who were conquering, raping, and genociding across the Galaxy for millennia.

It made no sense that Mark, a person who was born and raised on Earth with zero exposure to Vilturmite culture, to suddenly turn into a megalomaniac murderous psychopath.


u/mods-are-liars Nov 24 '23

I don't overthink infinite universe inconsistencies, angstrom said Invincible turned in "most" realities but that's mostly meaningless when talking about infinity.

An infinite number of Marks went evil and an infinite number of Marks were good. Don't worry about it, it served its purpose telling the story.


u/Philorsum Nov 24 '23

Its probably just most of the ones hes seen or has knowledge of.


u/mods-are-liars Nov 25 '23


Also, any overly nitpicking nerd is gonna be able to poke holes in any story involving a multiverse. It doesn't make their criticism insightful, it's just annoying.