r/Invincible Battle Beast Nov 21 '23

Thats enough Invincible for today. COMIC SPOILERS

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u/Brawlerz16 Nov 22 '23

Yeah, I think this series is a great reminder of why we should appreciate being at the top of our food chain. A lot of the treatment we do to animals and animals do to each other is really terrifying.


u/lord_assius Nov 22 '23

I mean humans rape other humans like all the time too lol. Not some thing we don’t do. And even worse is that we do it completely armed with the knowledge that it’s a horrible thing that we shouldn’t do.


u/Brawlerz16 Nov 22 '23

Yeah, I think this scene in particular is a great talking point about ethics and morality. I’m not interested in a brain dead safe take like “rape is bad.”

For me it calls into question the nature of “consumption”. She needs to reproduce, so she went and did it. And she isn’t human so why should she care about how? Kirkman answers this later saying viltrumites can be taught human concepts like empathy. I personally love that which is why I hate the discussions are about consequences. That’s lame because they aren’t human and they don’t/weren’t taught human values. It’s not even an instinct for them


u/TanjiroManjiro Omni-Drip Nov 22 '23

It also squarely puts a man in a powerless position, sadly how it often goes for women.