r/Invincible Battle Beast Nov 21 '23

Thats enough Invincible for today. COMIC SPOILERS

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u/Accomplished_Bill741 What will you have in 500 years? Nov 21 '23


u/Brawlerz16 Nov 22 '23

Yeah, I think this series is a great reminder of why we should appreciate being at the top of our food chain. A lot of the treatment we do to animals and animals do to each other is really terrifying.


u/there_is_always_more Nov 22 '23

Or you know, we could also stop doing all that to animals lol. Just a thought.


u/Brawlerz16 Nov 22 '23

We could. I think that’s why it’s an interesting talking point.

Of course people are gonna say there’s such a drastic difference between rape and the treatment of animals. And they are correct in my eyes. But the main point I’m arguing is that the viltrumites see rape the same way we see animal consumption. We need to eat, they need to reproduce: so we hunt.

Never considering there’s alternatives to satisfy those needs. But idk, I just thought it was a cool topic to explore. How complex morality is


u/EnricoPucciC-Moon Nov 22 '23

Imma be honest with you I'm not going to stop eating meat,


u/Bbgirl4lato Nov 22 '23

Yeah but if we can let them live on this earth with dignity before killing them, that would actually be nice. Instead of... what we do to them while alive.


u/EnricoPucciC-Moon Nov 22 '23

Yeah factory farming is fucked up, but youll never stop humans from eating meat, we're animals


u/Bbgirl4lato Nov 22 '23

Like I said, the problem isn't eating the meat. It's the commodification of live animals. I could really get into it because I'm passionate about it but that's for another day lol


u/-S-P-Q-R- Nov 22 '23

Yep, just a thought.