r/Invincible Omni-Mod Jul 22 '23

Invincible [Episode Discussion] - Atom Eve Special EPISODE DISCUSSION

Invincible: Atom Eve

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u/Puzzleheaded_Leg_173 Nov 11 '23

What was up with that look Omni man gave Debbie at the end of the episode? She just said she’d love mark if he got his powers or not and he had this strange look on his face like he was gonna kill her then back pedaled. Anyone else think that was odd?


u/obviouslyanonymous5 Nov 27 '23

Seems like an out of place reminder that he was still secretly evil at this time. It felt very forced


u/ajstar1000 Nov 26 '23

I thought he was genuinely considering killing her and Mark in that moment.

I have to imagine that for a Viltruimite, particularly one as respected as Nolan, having a weak child would be a mark of shame. A Viltruimite should have got his powers already (and Omni could start training him for his "duty") and thus Mark isn't worthy and should be killed, and the invasion preparations should begin. He's pissed that Mark is weak and pissed that Debbie is indifferent. He is seconds away from killing them both before deciding that he can't do it because he loves them too much. This is probably around the time when he decided to wait until Debbie and Mark die before taking over the planet.

I also think narratively it was to remind us that while Mark's childhood might have looked happy and easy compared to Eve's, he was still living with a father who was seconds away from killing him, and who has undoubtedly at least thought about murdering him multiple times.


u/ILoveRegenHealth Nov 27 '23

He's pissed that Mark is weak and pissed that Debbie is indifferent.

He is underestimating the power of duct tape!


u/I_cannot_write_words Nov 26 '23

S2E4 added a lot to the lore.


u/beelzebroth Nov 16 '23

It was weird and IMO unnecessary.

I know this episode came out after S1, but apart from literally the last 10 seconds there were no spoilers at all. This ep could’ve been a great alternative start to the series but this look just undermines the whole of S1E1 unnecessarily. I wouldn’t care if it added anything, but it seemed pointless.


u/TripleDet Nov 13 '23

I think it was actually a gut reaction to her commanding him to clean the kitchen. Remember he sees her as so below him she might as well be a pet he keeps for entertainment. He may have instinctively wanted to “put her in her place”. Then he remembers himself and feels guilty/conflicted


u/akyriacou92 Nov 14 '23

I don't think that was the reason. I think he was frustrated from his Viltrumite point of view that Mark was not developing his powers and therefore 'weak'. The Viltrumite thing to do would be to kill off his weak son and his mother and start again. Thus, he puts himself in a rage and moves to kill his family for a split second, but then he snaps out of it. He then feels ashamed and regretful that he had considered hurting his family even for a second.


u/Jonald_Draper Nov 30 '23

I think it was both. Being 'ordered' by someone you considered as a 'pet' plus the frustration of Mark not having his powers yet. But I think it's the former since Mark is 12, and Omni-Man is 'used to' the fact that Mark has no powers.


u/Puzzleheaded_Leg_173 Nov 27 '23

I agree, that’s at least how I interpreted it but it was nice hearing everyone’s interpretation


u/PleaseExplainThanks Nov 12 '23 edited Nov 13 '23

I just watched it. I felt like that was the emotional journey that precedes season 1.

He's angry at the thought that his son might not have any powers and he would just be a passing thought in total sum of his incredibly long life. Her saying she'd be happy if he didn't have powers is upsetting because he was still hoping he'd have a son to raise through the centuries, and it's like she's saying she'd be happy if died tomorrow instead of being able to life his full life. And then he understands that she doesn't know any better and the anger changes to grief because he's grieving at the "death" of his son.

And that sets up season 1 where he's accepted it, and then surprise! Mark has powers.


u/-Rapier Allen the Alien Nov 21 '23

As someone who was super confused at Nolan suddenly making that Tails Gets Trolled face for some reason, that's actually a good interpretation imo.

I just thought he was angry at not seeing his son develop powers.


u/Dokibatt Donald Ferguson Nov 12 '23

I really didn’t get what they were going for.

I thought maybe it was because she told him to do something.