r/ImageComics 2d ago

Where the body was Comic

Just bought Where The Body Was by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. Any thoughts? Is it as great as their other works?


16 comments sorted by


u/Mark4_ 2d ago

These two can no wrong to me but I don’t rate it as high as their other stuff .


u/Fvtvrewave87 1d ago

Which is still better than 99% of everything else


u/Infinite_Ad_29 2d ago

Would you consider it mid compared to their other stuff? I thought night fever was pretty mid


u/Mark4_ 2d ago

I liked Night Fever more.


u/Oghmatic-Dogma 2d ago

I really enjoyed it, its not a gritty crime noir story like their other books. Its a very personal and introspective book about shedding the innocence of childhood, and the idealist feeling of a first love. Written from the perspective of someone who clearly has thoughts and regrets about their own past.

I think its fucking great and made me feel a certain type of way for a bit after reading it. 


u/NakedMonkey14 2d ago

I liked it more than night fever but not as much as Pulp. I thought it was a great story though, maybe not as gritty and action packed but still really enjoyable


u/Infinite_Ad_29 2d ago

Never read pulp. Read sleeper kill or be killed criminal and the first reckless book. I read night fever too but I thought it was mid.


u/Ozu_the_Yokai 2d ago

Pulp is by far their best standalone work imo. WtBW is slow to start, but midway through it got under my skin and I skipped lunch to finish it


u/Soccermom233 2d ago

I enjoyed it a lot though still think the Reckless series is a little better.


u/RevolutionaryCommand 2d ago

In my opinion it's a return to form, after Reckless, and Night Fever, which I found among their weakest work. Where the Body Was isn't their best, but it still is very good, and somewhat different than their usual stuff, yet still recognizably a Brubaker/Philips comic.


u/JordanM85 2d ago

I liked it, but felt like it needed to be at least twice as long. I felt the same way about Night Fever. Not long enough for me to get fully invested.


u/Sparkadark808 2d ago

I'm curious why you don't just read and find out If you like it? Aren't you concerned someone else's opinion might shade your enjoyment?


u/Fvtvrewave87 1d ago

It’s Brubaker/Phillips, nuff said.


u/breakermw 2d ago

I liked it and it is a good comic but was one of their weaker collabs for sure. Lots of setups in it that don't pay off, character archetypes retreaded some ground from things they have done before and done better. Worth reading for sure but let me down as I was hyped for it.


u/Infinite_Ad_29 2d ago

Appreciate the honesty but now I’m feeling a little skeptical about my purchase. They’re my favorite duo and I’ve liked almost everything they’ve done minus night fever


u/breakermw 2d ago

Haha folks like different stuff! To me Night Fever is probably my 3rd favorite thing they have done together. Absolutely loved it but understand it wasn't for everyone